21) seventh wheel

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We all looked at Akaashi. He was looking at his feet. I wanted him to go first with me right behind him, because I could tell that he was blaming himself, and he shouldn't. Kenma nudged him a little, and he looked like he broke out of a trance. "Go ahead," I said with a calm smile.

Akaashi nodded and went in. I followed after. The sight wasn't all too pretty. Bokuto had many cuts and bruises. But, he was awake... surprisingly. He looked really calm, just gazing out the window. When we fully walked in, he looked over, and his calm face was soon replaced with his signature bright smile. "Hey you guys!"

"Cheerful as ever, I see, you little shit," Daichi rolled his eyes.

"Hey hey hey! Give me a breaaak, I only tried my best!" Bokuto shrugged.

He attempted to sit up but we could all see a wave of pain go through him, and Akaashi rushed to get him to lay down again. "You got bashed in the head, Bokuto-san. I'm sure you know you have a mild concussion. Be careful."

"Sorry, Kaashi. I forgot. Hey, what are those?" He pointed out the plushies Akaashi bought for him.

For the first time in awhile, Akaashi smiled. "Ah, these were at the gift shop. They're for you."

"Kaashi! That's so nice!" He began to tear up.

"It was my fault so-"

"No it wasn't," Everyone in the room said together. Even Oikawa, who was drifting in and out of sleep.

Akaashi turned around to us with wide eyes and began to tear up, "I'll be back," he said as he walked out of the room.

I looked back at Bokuto, "He's been a bit torn up," I smile, trying to reassure it would be alright, but not really knowing for sure because I didn't know Akaashi that well.

"Yeah. He'll just take a walk around the building and then come back. It's what he does," Kenma said.

"Usually he walks around campus but I guess a hospital will have to do for him today," Oikawa sighed. He seemed a little more lively.

"Oh," Bokuto said and looked down, but immediately recovering and looking at us with a smile, "You guys should get back! No need to worry about me!"

"Okay then, I hope you feel better soon Bokuto. Have a good night," Suga smiled, patting his arm and beginning to walk out.

Everyone followed with a wave and I said, "I'll catch up in a moment. I still need to yell at him and then go find Akaashi."

"You have 10 minutes," Kenma glared, "If you take any longer than that I can and will throw a rock right through that window and at your head." And with that, he left.

"Bo, Bo, Bo... whY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!?!" I flailed my arms around.

"I got angry! Also I know you're mad but please calm down my head still hurts like a bitch!" Bokuto puffed out his bottom lip like a child.

"Fine, fine, sorry. But you know about me and Daishou's hate towards each other... why didn't you let me handle it?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I-I dunno... It just felt necessary..?" He scratched the back of his neck and looked of to the side.

"Maybe it was your weird sudden need to protect Akaashi?" I sit down in the chair next to his bed.


"I mean, I've seen you get protective before. I've even seen you beat the shit outta Iwaizumi-"

"Don't talk about that."

"Right. Sorry. Anyway, you tend to get really protective, so let's just say you were protecting a new friend to your parents when the inevitably ask."


The door then opened up again and Akaashi walked in, "Where is everyone?"

"They went downstairs. I was just about to come look for you! You ready to head back?" I smile.

"U-Uh, yeah. I," he walked over to Bokuto and hugged him lightly, not looking like
someone who usually gave much affection. "Thank you, Bokuto-san."

We then heard a little tap on the window, and out of curiosity I looked to see what it was. I opened the curtains and then the window and looked out, not seeing anything...

until I saw Kenma with a huge rock, ready to throw. "WE'RE COMING! WE'RE COMING!" I quickly slammed the window and dragged Akaashi out.


"Bye Bokuto-san."

Once we got down, Kenma did actually throw a rock at me. We all went back to our seats on the way here. It was kinda surprising when Akaashi offered to sit in the trunk, but we let him. It'd be kinda hard to argue with him right now.

We got into the car and headed back, just needing some sleep after... everything.


(yes i know it's out of order but it's just for one moment i swear)

Everyone else but Daichi and I were asleep. Oikawa passed out, then as Iwaizumi was covering him with a random blanket he found, he fell asleep too... it was an odd position to fall asleep in but alright.

Kenma and Kuroo were just simply leaning on each other, and Suga was leaning on the window up front. I looked out what I could see of the front window, and saw the campus up ahead. It was a surprisingly nice building.

My favorite part about it, though, was the road leading up to it. It had wonderful pink flowers with beautiful lights hanging over. There was also the occasional bench, which added to the theme. It was honestly really pretty. I was glad my parents chose this school for me to go to.

We pulled into a parking spot and crawled out. Kuroo had to carry a dead asleep Kenma, and Iwaizumi assisted Oikawa. Daichi and Suga were walking in front, just leaning on each other like an old married couple, although I think they were just doing it due to them being tired... I felt like a 7th wheel.


right after i read the last chapter: so... uh... i cried! :,) it was all happy tears but also like turned into sad tears because i will miss them. i guess i will just enjoy the anime and the fandom that shall never die and everything

also, random question: so i have a couple one shots written and like idk if i should just post them individually, or together in one book that i update like sometimes. what would you guys like more?

a/n right before i post: my head hurts so bad cuz i had to volunteer at a camp today and the bad child that doesn't follow the rules befriended me (apparently) and he threw things at me, pushed me, poked sticks at me, and kicked a ball really hard at my shin :) loving life!!


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