2) the one whos not good at math

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I was so embarrassed that I left. I went to the bathroom and stormed in, looking for Bokuto.

"Bokuto where the hell are you?!" I yelled at the many stalls lined up.

"Bro! Sorry I had to poop!" A flushing was heard as Bokuto walked out and to the sinks.

"You must be really constipated," I grumble.

"I didn't have my fiber bar today I'm sorryyyy," he said as he dried off his hands. "Why you so grumpy anyway?"

"I kicked the soccer ball and it hit a really attractive guy in the face.." I crossed my arms.

He laughed way too loud, "I wish I was there for that!! Did you get his name?"

We walked out of the bathroom and Bokuto started to walk to the gym, "I'm not going back there, and no I didn't. I should have. He was really hot, but his ego seems huge."

"Sounds like you!" He turned on his heel and we began to walk back to the dorms. "What time is it?"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, "It's 5:57, why?"

"Oh Kuroo was texting me and apparently he got a math tutor so I need to be back by 7 and I wanted to make sure I didn't miss it."

"Oh okay." Throughout our walk back, I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I hit.


Oikawa and Akaashi stumbled into the room. Oikawa looked like he went though... a lot. "What happened to you?" Suga asked from the table, looking up from his studies.

"The 'hot guy' he was talking about earlier accidentally kicked a soccer ball at his face," Akaashi smiled, rinsing a towel and handing it to Oikawa. I snickered and Suga laughed.

Oikawa wiped his face, "Oh hush! I'm gonna go lay down. See you losers later." He stumbled away in defeat.

"Hey, uh, can I ask you two a question?" I looked at them from the couch, Xbox controller in my hand as I played more Minecraft.

"Sure!" Suga got up and walked over, sitting next to me. Akaashi followed, sitting in the beanbag chair Oikawa claimed as "his" whenever he was in the living room.

"So I kinda got into a situation where I have to tutor that tall Kuroo kid and I um.... I need help. I said I was going to bring friends that are in a better math class and you two happen to be those people.." I looked off to the side, feeling guilty for pushing them into something they didn't ask for.

"I can! Sounds like fun!" Suga smiled. He's too nice sometimes. He's like our legit mom.

"Um.. sure. But, don't you think three tutors is a lot?" Akaashi asked.

"Uh maybe.. but I just need emotional support..." I looked back at the tv.

"Okay, I'll go either way. I just want to do something," Akaashi shrugged. "When do we leave?"

"Uhh in like 30 minutes.. it's like 6:15 right now so 15 minutes to get there should be enough.." I unpaused my game and continued shearing my sheep.

"Okay! I'll continue studying till then," Suga said as he walked over to the table he was originally sitting at.

Akaashi got on his phone, and I realized, I have Kuroo's number now.... for some reason. I got on my phone, and typed in the number he gave me. "Why did you give me your number?" I typed and sent. He'll probably realize it's me, unless he's like a f boy or something and gives his number to everyone.

I got a response about 5 minutes later. I put in his contact, the text back confirming it was him.

kuroo (the one who's not good at math): i felt like it was fitting for the situation plus you seem chill so why not :)

me: because it seemed like you were flirting

kuroo (the one who's not good at math): who said i wasn't ;)

me: i'm leaving i didn't sign up for this and i'll have to deal with you in like 20 minutes anyway

kuroo (the one who's not good at math): no wait plz- also i have question... can you also help my bro bokuto?

me: umm.. fine if you leave me alone so i can play minecraft

kuroo (the one who's not good at math): oooo okay i will! have fun :D

I rolled my eyes and continued on my journey to find a wolf. This seed sucked and it was taking forever to find one.



There was a knock at the door. They were here! Bokuto sprang up and opened the door. I got up and pushed him aside, glaring. "Sorry about him, come on in. We can work over at the table. I'll pull up another chair real quick."

The three walked in, but I only recognized two. I remembered Kenma, of course, and Sugawara... I remembered him because of the fact he's class president, but I don't remember much about him except his friends call him Suga.

The third boy, I didn't know at all. But when I looked over, I realized, Bokuto was looking at him like he was a legit god. Oh so now he realizes he's gay.

The three walk in, all walking over to the table. I pull up a chair from our closet and the guy I didn't know nods as a thank you and sits in it.

It's me and Bokuto across from Sugawara and Kenma, and the third guy was at the end next to Bokuto and Suga. I start pulling out papers I'm having trouble with and Bokuto does the same. "Wait wait wait," Sugawara smiles, "We should probably introduce each other!"

"Oh yeah, you guys probably don't know Akaashi.." Kenma looks over at the black haired boy at the end of the table.

"Oh, yeah, I don't know you two," he fiddled his fingers, "I'm Akaashi, nice to meet you." It was kinda weird he didn't say his first name.

"I'm Tetsuro Kuroo," I smile.

"Kotarou Bokuto!" Bokuto laughed.

"I'm assuming you know me and Suga so let's get started," Kenma sighed.

"Bokuto you can work with Akaashi and I, Kenma I think you can handle Kuroo, and if you need help I'm here!" Suga smiled.


Akaashi was so pretty. I don't know how anyone was expecting me to focus with him here. How are the others focusing? His beauty looks much much better than a stupid math problem. "Bokuto-san?" My name came out of his beautiful lips. "I'm going to need you to focus, please."

Sugawara smiled, "I know he's pretty but he's trying to help."

I blushed.. how'd he know that's why i was distracted?!


can we talk about how chapter 392 of the manga actually messed me up? like i've cried over it at least four times??? am i alright?????

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