11) oh hell to the no

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Tendou got back and called us all back to the table, just by a slight little wave. He was scary most of the time, but he sure did the cutest little movements. I understood why he worked so well with Ushijima. They just seemed to compliment each other.

"Hello boyos!" He said in a whisper. "So, I think you have noticed, but that guy over there sitting alone is drunk, and I'm pretty sure he's horny, but anyway yes please look out for him. Who's serving him?" Tendou looked around at us as he spoke.

"I am," Akaashi said in a sigh. "He requested for me.."

"OooOoohhoho! I'm not surprised! I will get Wakatoshi-kun to get the cameras facing him! Also, who are the four boys Wakatoshi-kun has told me have been here for hours?" He looked awful excited, as if he already knew the answer.

"Some friends of hours. We've been good about visiting them and not letting others get jealous," I smile.

"Good! Good! Oh!" He perked up quickly when someone walked in. "Semi Semi! Coffee to go?!" Tendou started to make coffee before he even answered, and we continued our jobs. We all kept an eye on Akaashi, since a drunk guy requesting a waiter was odd to us, but not something that hasn't happened before.

"Do you guys need anything else?" I asked our special guests. They all shook their head no. "Uh, do you guys have a lot of homework?" Again, they all shook their head no. Great audience. "Does one of you have a car?"

They all looked at Daichi, and he looked up at me. "Yeah, I have a van, why?"

"Can you possibly drive us back to school? I know that's a lot to ask but it's seriously storming an-"

"Yeah, of course, but there's only 6 seats, because one of the ones in the back is broken and won't flip back up." He took a sip of his coffee.

"That's okay. Some of us can sit in the trunk or something," I say with a smile and walk away, getting to one of my last tables of the night.


I finished off my last table and smiled, proud. Tonight was a busy night. But, we were all still on edge. The drunk guy was still here, asking Akaashi for another coffee every so often. I stood behind the counter and just monitored his every moment. Then I saw him pull out... a camera? Oh hell to the no. I'm not allowing some creepy man to take pictures of Akaashi. But I can't really do anything until he makes a move. Tendou said we can't accuse anyone of anything until we actually catch them in the act. It was a suckish rule, but it wasn't his nor Ushiwaka's decision... I still couldn't believe Ushiwaka convinced me to work here... but at least it has better pay and I'm with my friends.

I put my chin on my hand, and leaned on the glass counter. Iwa-chan then walked up to me, "Shittykawa? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah... just, uh, observing." I couldn't just tell him "oh yeah there's some creepy man who has a camera and might start taking pictures of Akaashi" so I had to act like everything was fine.

"Oh, alright," he didn't seem convinced, "Bokuto wanted me to ask you for another croissant. Here's the money." He put some money down on the counter and I smiled. Something to do was nice.

"Why are you guys even still here? It's like 7:30..." I looked at him.

"Did Suga not tell you?" He tilted his head ever so slightly, "We are gonna take you guys back to school since it's raining."

"My hair is saved!" I smile. None of us ever bothered to get a car nor even learn to drive, so having someone drive us when there was a storm was a true blessing. All of a sudden there was a bang.

Shit, I forgot to watch Akaashi.


"Can I take a picture of you?" The man asked.

"N-No thank you, Sir," I looked around, trying to find an escape... anything, anyone...

"Awww c'monnnn," the man smiled but it was not an attractive one, "One measly picture surely won't hurt?"

"S-Sir, I would just not like for my picture to be taken by a stranger," I was still looking for an escape. Kenma was on his phone, probably done for the day, Suga was talking with a guest that comes in pretty often, Oikawa was talking to Iwaizumi, everybody at Bokuto's table were talking, and the bosses were in their office. There was nowhere for me to go.

"Then let's become closer!" The man said as he yanked my wrist and forced me to sit in the seat next to him.

Nononononono... usually the guests were a lot more bearable than this, and would eventually realize there was no use. But, no, this man was very close now. His breath was littered in the smell of alcohol. It was disgusting. I tried to stand again, "I'm sorry sir, I have work, I can't do this.."

Before I could fully stand he put his arm around my shoulder and forced me down again. "Sorry, but I just can't let you go. You're too cute."

The panic on my face could probably be seen by anyone in the cafe, but nobody thought anything of it. It was frightening. I squirmed out of his arms and was finally able to stand, but he just followed, grabbing my hand. "C'mon, lets go to my place," he whispered with a wink. I almost puked from nervousness, until all of a sudden Bokuto was in front of me, punching the guy in the face.

I yanked my hand away, as the man fell into the table. Kuroo lightly pulled me a couple steps from the scene, and suddenly Kenma was there too. But, because of the loud bang, all attention was on us. Everyone was looking, although that wasn't many people due to the late hour and the cafe closing soon.

I didn't want him to get in trouble, so from where I stood a couple feet away, I pulled Bokuto's arm, "I-It's alright." I tried to reassure him, but I don't know if it worked.

I saw Oikawa try to knock on the bosses door, but before he could, the door opened and Ushijima and Tendou walked out. Ushijima has his normal plain face as he walked out, grabbed the man by the collar, and yanked him out of the shop. Tendou followed with a sinister smile, pausing when he walked past Bokuto. "Thank you for doing the hard part!" Bokuto replied with a nod, not a happy one though. Where did his happiness go? I wanted that back.

Once Ushijima fully kicked the man out, he walked back in. "Miracle boy, Wakatoshiiiiiiiiiii!!!" Tendou smiled, but it turned back to normal. He really liked catching the creeps that came in here.

Everyone crowded around me. "You okay?" "You alright?" "Sorry I didn't notice sooner.." They all started talking at once and it scared me.

"Guuuuyyyyssss~ He cant hear 9 people at once!!~" Oikawa sang.. kinda? The way he said that was weird.

"I'm okay, sorry for scaring you all." I looked down.

Kenma hugged me, "We are just glad you're safe."


and back to the normal posting schedule i go! well, i might post on thursdays too... we shall see.

my emotions today have been going wild and i do n o t appreciate it. also an update on my calf if you remember that: it's gotten worse. woke up to another cramp today. today has just been against me and i hate it.

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