8) hot damn biceps

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fun guessing game before you start: who you think the title is about? ;)

from earlier~about 1:00

Today had been very slow. I had lunch with Suga, but now he had class and I just had to wait for my next class at 2:30. It's English. Bokuto will be in that class, though, so it won't be all that bad.

I walked into our dorm, closing the door behind me. I could hear... talking? Coming from Iwaizumi's room. It was odd. I walked over to the room, and opened the door a little bit to peek my head in. Turns out the talking was from a YouTube video playing on Iwaizumi's laptop, and Oikawa was watching it. Neither of them noticed me, Iwaizumi seemed to be asleep and Oikawa was so focused on the show he just didn't hear or see me. I shut the door and left them to... whatever that was.

But, I was curious why Oikawa was here. Iwaizumi and him just met, and neither of them seem like the type to hang out with someone they just met alone... I at least knew for Iwaizumi, that was a fact. I decided to ask Suga.

Me: Hey, Suga, do you know why Oikawa is in my dorm with Iwaizumi?

I put my phone in my pocket and decided to leave, not really knowing what good would come from just being in the dorm room. Suga responded about 10 minutes later.

Suga: Apparently, Iwaizumi made a deal with Kenma to keep Oikawa preoccupied for the day so that Kenma would go make sure Kuroo made it to math class.

Me: Oh, alright. Kinda weird, though. I wonder how he's gonna keep Oikawa while he's away at class in about 20 minutes.

Suga: I don't know either, but it'll be interesting! Anyway, I need to pay attention to this class. Ttyl :)


I chocked on air. "W-What?" I managed to spit out.

"OH MY GOD!!" He covered his face with his hands, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! It just slipped out! I don't know why I said it! I don't even know if you like boys!!"

I managed to get out a laugh, "It's okay, Shittykawa. Just caught me off guard, you ass." I uncovered his face, just to reveal him crying... again. I sat up and checked the time. 1:10. I had about 10 minutes to comfort this boy and get him ready for me to leave. I'm going to have to make this quick. "Shhh... shhhh... It's okay. I don't care. But, we can't kiss right now." I put his head on my pillow, and sat where the laptop preciously was.

I could hear a very soft whimper come out from him. "I know, I know. You like girls," he whispered.

I laughed, "Nah, I like guys, it's just it's too soon, Shittykawa." I stroked his hair from where I was sitting, using my normal techniques I used to calm people down to get him to stop crying.

He eventually did stop, and I wrapped him up in my blanket. I also put the laptop closer to him, and made sure he was comfortable. "Thank you," he mumbled as I began to walk out the door.

"No problem," I smirk. "Maybe you can have that kiss later, k?" I winked and left, assuming he'll be alright while I'm in class.


I was just letting Bokuto beat me in Jenga, even though he seemed to loose anyway sometimes. I don't know why I was letting him win, I just thought he looked very happy when he won. I didn't know how to describe it... cute? I believe that's the word. I then noticed the time. "Oh, Bokuto-san, when is your next class? I forgot."

"Hm? Oh! In about an hour. You don't have any more right, Kaashi?" He had a little feint smile that I thought fit his personality really well.

"Yeah, I don't have any classes Tuesday afternoons, so I go to work at my part time job around 4," We finished rebuilding the stack after Bokuto lost.

"Ooo where do you work?" He asks, curiosity showing in his tone.

"Mmmm I dunno if I'm ready to tell you that yet." I pause. I don't tell many people where I work because of the way people have made it sound. I work at a cafe that's often compared to a gay hooters, but it's far from that. It's just a cafe where we happen to dress hot and have to act like we care about the horny gay men, horny women, normal people, and some yaoi girls, that come in and out on the daily. You're allowed to request for a waiter, and although I'm only part time, according to my boss I'm a popular one. I believe Oikawa was the latest hit, though.

Oikawa and Kenma have worked there with me for awhile now, and Suga recently joined. We all enjoy it a lot, it's a good easy way to make a solid amount of money. Plus we have two amazing bosses who make sure none of the guests try anything with us. Actually, they went to school here with us for awhile but then they dropped out to take care of the business. They still take online school, though. There was another one of us from school that worked there, Hinata. He worked much less than us. "Kaashi?" Bokuto broke me out of my thoughts, "It's your turn!" He smiles bright as ever.

"Oh, alright." I say with a small smile. I don't know why I didn't notice it until Bokuto was flailing his arms around like a child, but he had some hot damn biceps.


I had class in like an hour, but I honestly didn't want to go so I could spend more time with Kuroo. He was so interesting. He held the door open, walked as if he was trying to protect me or something, but also had a super friendly aura. He talked to people like Tsukishima so easily when I found him to be slightly scary... although he was with his boyfriend, Yamaguchi, so maybe he's just nicer then.

We were finally eating lunch after also running into Yaku and Lev, but I actually knew them so it wasn't horrible. Kuroo was eating a burger while I just settled with some water. Kuroo begged me to eat, though, so I got 6 chicken nuggets. I ate pretty slowly, so I was glad the bed head was being patient with me.

He talked about a lot of different things, like how Bokuto is obsessed with Akaashi now, and Daichi refuses to tutor anyone in their dorm because none of them have any studying skills and he thinks they should build them on their own. Even how Iwaizumi stalks Oikawa's instagram. It was funny to me how Oikawa did the same thing... but anytime you opened Oikawa's phone Iwaizumi's instagram would come up on his phone and I highly doubted that Iwaizumi was that bad.

I talked a bit too, Kuroo looking at me with eyes of curiosity. His eyes tracked everything I did... and it kinda felt nice. It was like finally having someone to beat up people for me, like a cat or something. But, of course, Kuroo was too nice to ever hurt anyone.. I think.. "Ah! Kenma! Can I play Animal Crossing with you sometime?" He leaned over the table a bit, arms laying as if they were reaching at me. He looked like a sprawled out cat.

"Mm... sure. It's not like you can mess that up," I smile a bit at my sarcastic comment.

"Hey! I'm not horrible at everything!" He defended.

"Mmm I dunno, Kuroo," I smiled even more because of how cute he looked when he pouted. Is this what it feels like to fall for someone?


damn look at me fitting all four ships in one chapter ooo

i had my first day of online summer gym today (so i don't have to do it in the school year) and it. was. torture.

also, tysm for 3k reads :,)

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