6) we zoomin

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I woke up to a knock at the door. I had no idea what time it was or why I was on the middle of the floor with a blanket on me. Aw shit, I probably had class soon. I stood up and walked over to the door. "Kenma?"

"That's my name. Don't wear it out," he shrugged, "Oikawa gave Iwaizumi my number and he asked me to drag you to math class and I didn't agree at first but then he said he'd keep Oikawa out of my hair for the rest of the day, at least until work, and I want that so now I'm here. Let's go." Damn. That was the most I've ever heard him talk.

"Can I get dressed?" I gestured to my outfit. I was only wearing shorts and a very loose tank top. I'm pretty sure I'd get yelled at if I wore it into class.

"Kuroo, we have 10 minutes till class. It takes 10 minutes to get there," his plain stare never wavered.

"We can run!" I smile.

"I'm not running," he put his hands in his pockets, an ounce of annoyance showing on his face when he looked up at me.

"I'll carry you! It'll be fun! We are
running out of time!" I ran into my room and grabbed a pair of black sweats and a red t-shirt. I then ran my hands through my bed head like always, and brushed my teeth in the bathroom really fast.

By the time I got out of the bathroom, Kenma was halfway down the hallway. I grabbed my keys and bag and shut the door. "Kenma!! Wait!"

He stopped and turned at me, rolling his eyes. "We have 5 minutes now, thanks," he said.

I looked down at him, and had an idea. "Get on my back. We gonna run."

"W-What?! No!" It was too late. I had already wrapped the boys arms around my neck and pulled his legs around my waist.

"We zoomin."


Ah, science class, yet again. We had finished our partner assignment, but I was hoping for another one so I had an excuse to hang out with Daichi again. He was calm, funny, and overall just nice to be around.

He also told stories about his roommates, and I believed all of them, knowing all of them at least a little bit. A guy with dad-like personality traits were great. Plus, if he could handle his three idiots, I'm sure he could handle mine... and Akaashi.

The teacher was talking about... something. I didn't know. I was just looking at Daichi. His hair looked so soft, and his shoulders were so broad. Ahhh, this is what it felt like to have a crush. I didn't remember the feeling, but it hit me like a truck when in came back.

Having a silly little crush was truly something. It was such a nice feeling, like, having someone to look for, and always being happy when you found them. But, it also sucked, because most of the time the person wouldn't be looking for you, but someone else, and you couldn't change that. Although, I did think I fell pretty fast for Daichi. I mean, I've kinda known him for awhile now, but we just met the other day. Ew was I turning into Oikawa and falling for people right when I saw them? Gross. I shook my head and got a couple looks, but nobody questioned me.

Anyway, with Daichi, I only felt the first feeling. I couldn't tell why I was never upset with my crush, thinking he didn't like me back. It wasn't that I thought he did, it just seemed like he was happy to have a new friend. Don't get me wrong, I was too, but he seemed like the type to avoid initiating a conversation, so people weren't really willing to be friends with him, and never found out that he can definitely keep a conversation if someone else starts it. It was really interesting to m—

The class all stood up, leaving, and I realized I didn't pay attention at all in class. Well shit. I stood up, rubbing my head. What was I going to do? There was nothing to do but struggle, not knowing the information. "Suga?" Daichi was standing a couple desks from me. "When's your next class? I wanna go do something with you and maybe go to lunch." He smiled.

"O-Oh! I have another class later but not before lunch, so sure!" I gathered up my things, putting them in my bag and following behind.


"I told Kenma I'd keep you preoccupied for the day, so I'm sorry but no going back to your dorm, Shittykawa," I said as we got in the elevator.

"What? Why did you tell him that?" He looked at me, puzzled. His eyes were still red and puffy, along with his cheeks.

Before he left, Akaashi explained to me that Oikawa apparently does this sometimes but it's "nothing to worry about". He said he trusted me to take care of him, since apparently he had class. Now I was stuck with an hot guy I hardly knew that was on the constant verge of tears... although he had gotten better. "Well, I needed someone to go get Kuroo. That's why I asked for his number. He was also going to math so I made a guess he'd be the best person to get him. Then he didn't want to do it, so I made a deal." He looked butt hurt but also like he was smiling a little bit.

"Well, how dare he, I'm amazing, but I guess I should be happy because that means we get to spend all day together, Iwa-chan!!" He smiled, looking now like he was going to cry from happiness.

"Don't you dare cry again, and I still have a class later. Don't you have some today at some point?" I crossed my arms, the doors opening again as we arrived at the second floor.

"Oh, yeah, I have one about 3:00-ish. What about you, Iwa-chan? What time is your class?" He looked at me like a curious puppy as we arrived outside of my dorm, and I got out the keys.

"Mines at 1:30. Just know, I will be locking you in my room to make sure you don't disrupt Kenma. I don't know him all that well, but he seems like the type to like revenge." We walked in, and I immediately walked to my room, just wanting the comfort of my bed.

Oikawa closed the door as he followed in my footsteps. "What now, Iwa-chan?"

"Um.. I don't know, what do you want to do, Shittykawa? It can't involve a tv, though, because I want to lay in bed," I opened the door to my room and plopped onto my bed face first.

"Can we watch Sci fi documentaries on your laptop you have right there?!" He got all excited when he noticed my old laptop sitting on my desk.

"Mm.. yeah sure. You can't get mad if I fall asleep, though."

"Okay! I won't!" He seemed to be in a lot better mood than he was just merely 20 minutes before.

I wondered why.


early update, and there's a reason why

!!!CHAPTER 395 MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD!!! (just a warning for people who haven't read it yet)

(putting it a bit farther down just in case)

w-what happened to time skip tendou- he's still beautiful- but like- i like the poofy hair :,(
but 19 year old iwa is mwah *chefs kiss* love him i hope he's doing amazing

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