22) the silent treatment

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Suga, Kuroo, and I were driving to go pick Bokuto up. Originally it was just going to be Kuroo and I, but Suga texted me and asked if he could come along so he didn't have to be there when, "Oikawa wakes up hungover as hell," as he said it.

He was sitting next to me with Kuroo on his phone in the seat behind him. We let Bokuto know we were on our way to get him so he had better have been awake.

I sorta felt bad Suga and his dorm had to meet my dorm, considering the fact that something always goes wrong in my dorm... it's usually not my fault though. I'm just the one who has to clean all the shit up. But, who knows, maybe this would all turn out to be the best thing that happened to everyone, well meeting each other at least.

I pulled in and we got out of the car, walking in. We headed to where we remembered Bokuto's room was, and walked in. He seemed to be ready to go. "Hey hey hey!" He smiled, still being loud for someone with a concussion.

"Let's go dumbass I wanna get back to school," Kuroo said, yanking Bokuto up. Bokuto was wearing the clothes from yesterday, so it was a little saddening to see the little blood stains randomly around his shirt from where he was cut or hit. I decided to ignore it as we checked him out and headed back. Kuroo and Bokuto went back up to the room so Bokuto could change, but Suga and I decided to go get some food.

We walked into the cafeteria and got our food. We then sat down at a table for two with a window next to us, and began to eat. "So, I don't really know too much about you... Well, I do, but I talk about myself a lot," Suga looked up at me from his food, "Whats your favorite movie?"

"Uh, um, I really like the movie Madagascar... I can be kinda a sucker for kids movies," I scratch the back of my head, taking a bite of my salad I got as my side.

"Ooo! Same, actually! I really love Bolt. It's such a cute movie!" He sighed happily. "What about your favorite kind of animal?"

"Crows. Definitely crows," I nod.

"Me too!" He smiled. For awhile, he continued to ask me questions, me asking some back here and there. It was nice to get to know him and he seemed really happy to get to know me better.

Once we finished eating, we headed back to my dorm. I wanted to check on Bokuto, and Suga said he did too. We were like worried parents or something.

But, when we got there, we found no one. We shrugged, guessing he must've gone off with Kuroo to somewhere... but, he had a concussion, so I texted him telling him to come back to the dorm and stop trying to act like he's not injured.

We decided to go into my room and watch movies on my laptop, so I turned on Bolt. Suga perked up a lot and smiled at me. "I love this movie!"

I laughed, since we both knew he just mentioned that earlier, "Yeah, I know."


UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH HANGOVERS ARE THE WORRSSSTTTTT. I rolled out of bed, landing with a thud. I, then, rubbed my head, noticing some stuff on my bedside table. I grabbed at it, getting a cup, some aspirin, and a note.

"Take the pills. Then sleep. Nobody wants to deal with your whining.

Plus I don't want you to be in pain tomorrow during school.


I giggled at the note, my head then pounding. Wow, I couldn't even laugh, alright then. I got up and headed for the bathroom, not caring what water I got. I put some sink water in the cup, and swiftly took the pills. But, I didn't feel like sleeping. I felt like checking on Akaashi.

I slowly walked into his room, knocking lightly on the way in. He was in there, sleeping. He looked really peaceful for someone who stresses all the time. I checked the time.. 10:47. He would probably stress if he woke up any later, so I walked over to his bed and lightly shook him a little. "H-Hmm?" His eyes fluttered open and I smiled the best I could with my pounding headache.

"Mornin' sunshine," I said. "I just wanted to wake you up before I go to sleep again, in case you had anything you wanted to do. I know you don't like waking up late."

"Oh, thank you," He rubbed his eyes a bit. "Is Kenma up yet?"

"I dunno. You can go check if you'd like," I felt another pound on my head as if my head had a hammer hitting it once every two minutes.

"Alright. Please sleep, Oikawa, I'm sure you have a hangover," He sat up and began to stand.

"Alright, you aren't the first to tell me that today," I lightly chuckle but stop when my head feels like it's being stabbed.

Akaashi stood and walked me back over to my room, helping me lay down me down as if I was some delicate flower. He then left with a small smile and wave. I stared up at the ceiling for awhile, just lightly questioning why I drank so much... or what even happened last night.

I didn't actually know. I didn't remember anything. Deciding to ask someone later, I attempted to come up with a theory. Knowing myself, I probably did something stupid and embarrassed myself somewhere along the lines. Suga had told me I strip pretty often when I'm drunk, so that was probably something that happened. I also, again according to Suga, end up making bad decisions with Mattsun and Makki, so I guessed they were involved.

Other than the events with me, Akaashi was acting a little odd... maybe something happened to him and Kenma! Oh no, I hope it didn't. I hope it wasn't like that one night that I also do not remember at all where Makki, Mattsun, and I all tied Akaashi and Kenma up and danced around them. No, it couldn't have been something like that.

After that night, Kenma and Akaashi were just outwardly upset about it... so it had to be something with either Suga or someone else at the party. I was very glad I didn't have to worry about it being my fault, since the quiet once are always the scariest when it comes to the silent treatment.


also, just a btw, i'm tryna do the ships in like "arc" kinda things. whether the arc is for the good or for the bad is up to me :> (so pretty much we are slowly exiting the bokuaka arc and ima go into another ship)

i posted my one shot book for anyone interested! the one shot i posted is abt iwaoi but like with a tWiSt kinda thing- anyway- i also have a bokuaka one written so that'll come out soon! :)

devil child update: today he pushed a girl down and refused to come inside, threatening to run away :) i'm so glad he chose the worst time to do this cuz i was already upset due to my friend and like.... :) l o v i n g l i f e (also don't worry abt the friend thing she just hurt my feelings but i'll be fine cuz i got my other friends backing me up <3)

my a/ns are so long i'm sorry

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