7) barely

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I was pooped by the time lunch came around. It was only 1, but I had already had my two morning classes and I had another at 2:30. Gah, I've always hated school.

I decided to eat in the cafeteria, and then head back to the dorm and take a nap or something. When I got to the cafeteria, it wasn't busy at all. Most people had a class going on right now, and 2 was the most common lunch hour. I was one of the lucky ones to get first picks with food.

I decided on just some ramen. It was a pretty plain meal but I didn't feel like looking through all of my options. I also grabbed some rice because yes. Once I got all my food and a water, I looked around. Where to sit... where to sit.... I, then, noticed Akaashi all alone at a table. I remembered seeing him there before on Tuesday's and feeling bad, but now I could help!

I hopped on over to him and sat down in the seat across from his. "Hi Aggkashi!"

"Bokuto-san, you have a really tough time saying my name," he said, looking down. "Why are you sitting here with me?"

"Oh, well, I usually eat over on a couch on these days because all of my friends have lunch either in the room or later on Tuesdays, and I've seen you here before, so I decided to sit with you this time!" I smile wide and he looks back up at me.

"Oh, that's quite nice of you. Thank you," he said as he took a bite of his.. chicken? Looked like it.

"No problem Akgaashi! I'm doing this for me too!" I pause, thinking for a moment, "Did I say your name right?"

"You were closer. It's alright, I don't mind. How about you just call me Kaashi? it's easier to say."

"Kaashi.. Kaashi! I like it!" I smile, and I could see a small smile form on his face too.

Ahh, I almost forgot his beauty... but I could never truly forget that.


Kenma had been following me around like a kitten all day. It was nice to have a friend. I asked him why he was following me and apparently he only had math class in the morning, and art at 3, so following me around and playing Animal Crossing was his entertainment for the day.

I felt bad when he had to sit alone in the hallway while I was in class, though. Right now, it was about 1:30, and Kenma and I were walking back to his dorm so he could switch out his Nintendo Switch for his phone, due to the fact his Switch was dead and he forgot to bring his phone. I was done with classes for the day, so I was willing to do whatever he wanted to do.

As we stepped out of the elevator, he sneezed. It was so cute... wait what? We walked over to the door, and he unlocked it. When we got in I immediately noticed Bokuto and the one I could now recognize as Akaashi sitting on the floor playing Jenga. "What are you doing?" Kenma asked before I could.

"Oh, well, Bokuto-san doesn't have a class until 2:30, and I don't have any this afternoon, so we decided to just do whatever until then. We tried to go to Bokuto-san and Kuroo-san's dorm but then we remembered that Oikawa is in his whiny state right now and Iwaizumi-san is the one willing to deal with that so we came here," Akaashi let out a little smile.

I thought it was funny that Oikawa was the only one he didn't add a "-san" to... although it could be more of a 'knows him better' than a 'respect' thing. "Oh, okay. We'll only be here for a minute. I want lunch, but I need my phone," Kenma said as he walked over to his room.

"Kenma, don't you usually stay in your room for as long as you can on Tuesdays?" Akaashi turned his head around to look in the direction of Kenma's room from where he was sitting. I looked over at Bokuto, just to see his reaction to all of this, and he just had a small smile on his face, looking around the room, but mostly at Akaashi. When he looked at me, I smirked at him with a wink.

"Kenma decided he'd follow the day of his senpai!" I smile, putting a hand on my chest, right where my heart was.

"No, I just decided I would follow Kuroo around so I had someone to eat lunch with later. It's been working out pretty well for me, so far. He hasn't been too annoying." Kenma shrugged, walking out of his room, phone in hand.

I clenched my shirt. "Agh, Kenmaaaa... you always have to ruin my fuuunnnn," I said, over exaggerating myself, and frowning while slumping my body.

"Oh shut up. I'm still dealing with you, right?" A wave of cold air followed him as he passed me in the doorway.

But, I perked up, "True!! Aww, Kenma! You tolerate me!" I turn and follow him, closing the door behind me after waving at the two boys on the floor.



Iwa-chan had just opened his computer to unlock it, and let me go crazy with whatever I wanted to watch. I felt bad that he seemed to really not care about my alien stuff, so I just switched to some conspiracy theory videos. It was kinda hard to read the Japanese subtitles, but Iwa-chan seemed to like it much, much more.

He even asked questions as if I could answer, but I guess they were kinda rhetorical. He and I were both laying in the bed, but the laptop was between us so there's was a good two feet of space. He had his head resting on his hand, while he was propping all that up by his elbow on the bed. He fell asleep a couple of times, but he was awake at the moment. I thought it was really cute that he had a light snore.

Suddenly the words fell out of my mouth, "Iwa-chan, can we kiss?"


fun fact: i've trained my fingers to go from sticking to all lowercase to having to capitalize stuff here on my own. (i write on my phone most times because i can't type on my laptop as fast, but i use my laptop sometimes)

also ty for 1k reads and all the comments i love all of them (also i read all of the comments so know even if i don't reply they are vv appreciated)

bro i was editing this earlier and i literally just forgot to post it lmaoo im sorry it's late but let's just say that 1:27 am still counts as yesterday

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