27) victim number two

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"It's game night bitches," Oikawa said as he slammed down some boxes of board games.

"Are you like practicing your intro orrr..?" Akaashi asked, raising an eyebrow. "The guests haven't even gotten here yet."

"The cookies and cake aren't done eitherrr!~" I sang. We had gotten some treats from the cafeteria, and I even got to go to the store (with permission from the school) to get fudge and ice cream. We ate wayyyy too much junk on game night, and with 4 more boys joining us there had to be a lot of food. Especially with the appetite I've noticed Daichi has.

We all chose one game to play, and depending on the game, we'd play one round of it or for 30 minutes. Akaashi chose Sorry, Oikawa went with Just Dance (like always), Kenma picked Mario Kart, and I decided on Monopoly.

The timer went off, and I grabbed the cookies out of the oven, setting the timer at another 10 minutes for the cake. Our ovens in the dorms weren't all that great (to convince us to not cook here and eat the cafeteria food) so I had to really check up on everything I baked to make sure it didn't burn. One time Oikawa's cake blew up. Kenma found that one hilarious, even though all the dorms in our hall had to evacuate and everyone was complaining about what happened and Oikawa had to apologize to everyone as they yelled at him saying they were having a good day and then he exploded a cake. I mean, I guess they had a right to be mad since it was 2am.

I blew the cookies off a bit, setting them on the cookie tray and moving that to the table, placing it next to the fudge. We also got pizza, so Akaashi was gathering the paper plates and plastic silverware. "Suga, what movie are we watching tonight?" Kenma asked.

"Dunno. I'm gonna let the guests choose, since we chose everything else," I smile at him.


Soon, we heard a knock at the door. Akaashi opened it and was immediately tackled by Bokuto. "BOKUTO! STOP ATTACKING AKAASHI!" I scolded him, whacking him with the glove I used to get the cookies out.

"S-Sorry Suga!" He got off Akaashi and helped him up.

"Apologize to Akaashi!" I cross my arms with a huff.

He turned to Akaashi. "I'm sorry Kaashi!"

"It's alright Bokuto-san, it just startled me."

The rest of them had walked in, and were making themselves at home. Kuroo observed the cake I had just taken out. "So, these are obviously all for me, right?" He smirked looking at me.

"No. They're not, and you know it." I walked over to him and hit him with my glove. Victim number two. "Back, back," I shooed him off.

"So," Daichi started. "Where are we playing?"

"Oh! Right on the floor there- Oikawa! What are you doing?!" I asked as I looked at him laying on the area on the floor we were going to be playing on.

"I got tired... and hungry. Kuroo was definitely wrong. All that food is for me," he whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Iwaizumi, can you pick him up and lean him on... something?"

"Sure," he shrugged and walked over to Oikawa, nudging him a bit with his foot, as if to see if he was dead.

"When he's moved everyone can sit. Does anyone want anything to drink?" I smile.

Everyone said what they wanted, and I got what we had out of the fridge. I handed everyone their drinks and sat down in the circle that was formed. I was sitting next to Daichi and Iwaizumi. Next to Iwaizumi was Oikawa, then Bokuto, then Akaashi, then Kenma, and lastly Kuroo.

We decided on playing Monopoly first, since it was the longest of the games chosen. We opted to team up so the game would be more fun. We all teamed up with the person on our side of the circle that could be considered a square. We even made team names. Daichi and I were "Parents. Periodt," Kuroo and Kenma were, "GaMeRs," Bokuto and Akaashi were, "Owl duo," and Iwaizumi and Oikawa were, "Trashykawa," despite Oikawa's refusal to agreeing to the name.

Eventually, GaMeRs won by 30 bucks. Owl duo was in second place, as Akaashi did most of the game while he let Bokuto choose what properties they bought. We took a food break, and I pulled out the ice cream. We ate for awhile, laughing and chatting. I decided I should tell them, "Oh yeah, whoever wins the most games chooses the movie we watch at the end."

"Earlier you said they'd be ch-" Kenma started.

"I changed my mind! Get competitive, boys!" I smiled evilly.

The rest of the night definitely got competitive for some... especially Oikawa, Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto. Those four went at it in Just Dance. We all played against each other, counting each win (like getting the highest score) we got as one "point" on the movie picking, and with one last elegant pose from Akaashi, he won.

Those who worked way too hard on Just Dance (those four) took a little water break as Kenma decided to go absolutely wild on Daichi, Iwaizumi, and I in Mario Kart. We counted every win someone got as one point on the movie choice, like Just Dance, and many rounds later, Kenma was at 17, Akaashi at 16, Kuroo at 14, Oikawa at 7, Iwaizumi at 6, Bokuto at 4 (we genuinely felt bad for all the times he kept getting put with Kenma or Akaashi, who was surprisingly good at the game even when he said he wasn't), and then me and Daichi tied at 3.

We then played Sorry in teams like Monopoly, and eventually, Kuroo and Kenma rose to victory. We ate some more while they decided, and after they chose, and while the movie they picked played- well not movie anymore. They went with just watching The Office for awhile. We all laughed and talked and made fun of each other and, you know, everything you do at a sleepover party thing. Except drink. That was off limits on game night.

Slowly but surely, we all fell asleep, content with the night. I mean, it was the first time we'd all been together and something didn't go terribly wrong.


if anyone finds spelling mistakes tell me before i get caught

school is kicking. my. ass. my school is b i g and i have to walk back and fourth around it twice in one day, every other day, and like... my legs could collapse at any moment. i also always have motivation to do stuff right until i get home.. which sucks.


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