q&a time! :D

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there's only a couple questions which is a little upsetting but i just wanna thank the people who asked questions and also thank everyone for their wonderful support on this book :,)

1. 0animeperson0- am i the best ever, yes or yes?

when you aren't bullying my spelling that are actually typos, yes.

2. dolphinplays11- to all the characters: what's your favorite thing to do together?

oikawa: just dance.
iwaizumi: watching movies is fun
kuroo: minecraft
kenma: minecraft
bokuto: anything we do together is fun!
akaashi: just dance
suga: when they let me bake for them and we watch movies!
daichi: anything as long they aren't giving me a headache

3. matxha_- where are you from?

i'm from america! i don't really wanna say what state but it's one nobody thinks of because it sucks

4. matxha_- who is your favorite character in haikyuu?

ah! bokuto is my all time favorite. atsumu also has my whole heart (plz don't compare him to sangwoo in the comments-)

5. b1sexualpan1c- if there was one, what gave you inspiration to use this dorm room concept for a multiship fic?

hmm... i wish i remembered. i think i had a random idea to make a book with all of them in it, and the book honestly wrote itself. but no, i don't believe there was really a huge inspiration.

6. rinasteele- do you plan the character plots or do you get spontaneous moments where you have an idea :o

well, i have some things planned... like these arc's climaxes and like the main climax's of the story for all of them. all the stuff in between, though, is a mystery. i kinda just write and the book writes itself... well once i get into the groove of things.

7. oshuwat- why do your friends bully you so much? they are such a meanie 😠
imagine bullying your friends

my friends bully me about as much as i bully them lmao. it's a mutual thing. although i do have a really good friend of mine who is somehow really good at attacking me but i know she's just joking. (and if you're talking about lena making fun of my spelling errors/typos it's actually fine idc cuz she points them out all the time anyway✨✨)

8. creamwithacracker- is the idea for this based off anything? like in your life or something
and how long does it take to write each chapter?

not really. i'm genuinely upset that i can't remember how this book started up. i think i just really wanted to write haikyuu ships. and for how long, it usually depends. if i'm writing something i find really exciting (like the party, the kuroken moment last chapter, etc) it takes like no time... but filler chapters take me awhile. also, rn i've been writing chapters between the day it's posted-3 days before because of school so sometimes if they are posted late it's because i'm writing/finishing on the day it's posted.
(that was a lot i'm sorry)

9. littleliwi- idk so... how are you surviving these wonderful corona times?

it's not that bad rn. since i'm in school it's just like normal for me... the mask can be annoying sometimes but i'm wearing it to protect others so i don't mind.
(update from the next day: sooooo apparently someone that sits next to me got corona so i have to be quarantined for 14 days🤩🤩)

10. i need an answer to the question which hq character do you see yourself as?
-> ps. how do you manage to stay consistent with uploads?😀

i'd say i'm a lot like bokuto.... like too much sometimes- he's my virgo king and i love him
and honestly idk.... it's hard, but i don't like being inconsistent. i like schedule.... well, when it comes to things like this

11. whats your favorite ship in haikyuu besides bokuaka

hmmm... i REALLY like sakuatsu... i used to LOVE kuroken (i still do but bokuaka slipped into its place) and iwaoi has somehow just like kicked down the door to my heart so.. yeah! (i can't really pick favorites oops- lets just say sakuatsu-)


if you guys ever have any questions don't be scared to ask! (damn i sound like a teacher lmao) i love answering questions and stuff like this... also sorry this is posted a little late i been doing minecraft therapy all night with my friend (we play minecraft too much :>)

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