3) the attractive boy

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I've always been used to people looking at me due to my "beauty"... or people so called it. But, the way Bokuto was looking at me was different.. much different. It looked like instead of my face, like what most people look at, he was looking at my soul or something.

It was terrifying, but he seemed to listen to every word I was saying, so getting him to understand his work was easier than I expected when he got into the groove of things.

I think he was actually really smart if he tried, but he just never tried. "Okay Bokuto-san, you try that one alone. Just use the work above as an example."

He nodded and began to work. I looked over at Suga and Kenma trying to help Kuroo but he seemed to be struggling.

"Kuroo, this is simple math. We learned this the other day. You literally just have to put it in the calculator," Kenma huffs out as he rolls his eyes.

"How about we take a little break?" Suga smiles, and looks at everyone. "We have all been working hard so I think a nice little break will help us cool our heads!" He adjusts himself in his chair.

"Oh, okay... what are we going do to though..?" I ask.

"Talk? Get to know each other? I don't know.." Suga looks around. "How come there's only two of you?"

"Oh," Kuroo laughs, "Well we do have two other roommates, but Daichi is at the library or something I don't remember, and Iwaizumi is in his room. According to Bokuto he had an interaction that he did not enjoy."

Bokuto laughed. "He's a wimp. He has one bad interaction with someone he finds hot and just breaks down."

A voice could be heard from the other room, "SHUT YOUR TRAP BOKUTO YOU CAN'T EVEN DO MATH!"

Kuroo and Bokuto both laughed again, and the three of us also laughed. "What about you guys?" Kuroo asked. "Do you guys have another guy in your dorm?"

"Oh, yeah, we have a guy named Oikawa. He also had a bad encounter today so he stayed back.. plus he's not good at math either so I don't think he could help," Suga rubbed the back of his head.


"Bye you three! Thanks for the help!" Kuroo said with a wave.

"Bye!!" Bokuto smiled.

Kenma and I waved. "Bye!" Suga smiled, also waving.

We began to walk down the hallway, but we stopped when Bokuto yelled my name. "Wait! Aggahshiii!!"

"Akaashi, Bokuto-san, and yes?" I turned to look at him, and the two next to me stopped.

He handed me a slip of paper, "J-Just in case you need it." He walked away with a smile, "Bye Akgaashi!"

"Bye Bokuto-san," I smiled with a wave.

Turning back, the three of us continued to walk back to the dorm. I smiled looking at the paper. It was nice to have a new friend. I opened the paper, and it just had a phone number. "What's it say?" Suga asked.

"Oh, it's just his phone number," I smile. "Guess he wants to be friends."

The next day, Monday

I hated science class. It's the one class I sucked at for forever. Today we had assigned partners, and I was with a guy I had seen before but never started conversation with, Daichi. I swore I recognized his name from somewhere. "Hi! It'll be nice to work with you!"

He smiled, "I feel the same."

"So... apparently we have to use the thingy to look at the thingy to make an observation or something," I looked at him, knowing how stupid I sounded.

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Daichi smiled.

"Agh... no... this is my worst subject.." I wiped my eye, trying to think.

"It's okay, I'm actually pretty good at this so I'll explain it."


All day all I could think about was the soccer ball boy. I don't even know his name... but why was that my first impression? Why did he call me hot within the first sentence of talking to me? Why was his friend so used to it? It was all so confusing. "Iwaizumi!" I jerked up at the sound of my name. "You spaced out, man." Bokuto patted my shoulder, "You alright?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Just can't wait for today to be over," I huff as I rest my chin on my hand. School sucks.

Bokuto smiled, "Me neither. I just wanna curl up in bed. Are you going to go on that journey to find the soccer ball boy with Kuroo?"

"Mm.. oh, yeah. Daichi said he'll come
too. He said he needs a break from studying."

"Oh yeah! I get the dorm to myself!!"

"Bokuto!! Lower your voice!" The teacher screetched.

I snickered at him. He grumbled and put his chin on his desk.


At the end of the day, I met up with Kuroo and Daichi at the cafeteria, but Daichi said he wanted to go work with his science partner. We offered to walk him there, since it didn't really matter. It wasn't like we were limited on time.

Once we got to the room, Daichi knocked and stood in front of us. A grey haired boy I recognized as the class president opened the door. He smiled, "Ooo! Daichi! Come in! Come
in! And bring your friends! I'm making brownies!"

"Aw hell yeah! Brownies!" Kuroo strode into the room before even Daichi.

"Kuroo be polite!!" Daichi scolded as he and I walked in.

"It's just me and Oikawa here right now, so it's okay. Oikawa get up we have guests!" He yelled at a beanbag chair.

I looked around the room and when I looked back it was him. It was the soccer ball boy. "Y-You!!" He yelled. "Suga how did you find him?!?!"

"Uh, I didn't. Don't overestimate my power." He rolled his eyes and started talking to Daichi. Kuroo made himself at home, sitting on the couch.

I was at a loss for words, and by the looks of it so was he. I could see Kuroo internally giggling to himself out of the corner of my eye and I made a mental note to scold him for that later. "I- uh- aw shit- I wanted to apologize again. This is the worst first impression I've ever had with someone," I scratched my head, not knowing what to say.

"Hmph. It's alright I guess." He crosses his arms. I could see a bandage on his forehead from where it must have hurt the most. "You only left temporary damage, and I still look good, so I can live with this."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "That's good.."

"Also, you look awfully awkward over there. You can sit on the couch next to your friend or the chair right there. Not my beanbag chair though." He plopped back down and I walked over, sitting in the chair.

Oikawa turned on the tv and went to some sci fi channel. I could have guessed that one.. the attractive boy I hit in the face with a soccer ball believes in aliens.


i thought i might as well post two chapters today i have enough already prewritten ahhahhah

also i swear i'm not tryna favor ships at all in this story but daisuga is difficult for me to write- i'll give them their time to shine, no worry

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