23) you scrub

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once again, who you think the title is about? ;) (i swear it's not bokuto this time i-)


I got a text from Daichi saying I needed to sleep or whatever, so Kuroo and I sighed and walked back to the dorm. We just wanted to go to the gym... but I guess I couldn't really ignore the horrible pounding in my head and also the fact I kept getting so dizzy I would almost fall over.

(by the way, i got a concussion from color guard one time so like everything that i write will be based off of my experience... also never get a concussion it was horrible i hated life)

Kuroo unlocked the door and strolled in, me following. I sighed and walked over to my room, plopping onto my bed and curling up in it. Kuroo walked up and leaned on the doorframe, "Is it alright if I invite Kenma over to play some like minecraft or some shit on the xbox?"

"Yeah, go ahead. Just don't be too loud. I'm gonna try to sleep," I yawned as I put the blankets over me.

"Gotcha... even though you sleep like a log, I'll make sure Kenma doesn't rage every time he dies," He laughed and walked off, closing the door behind him.


I watched as Akaashi walked Oikawa to his room, and then soon walked out, greeting me with a small smile as he walked in.

I had gotten a text from Kuroo a bit before asking if I wanted to play minecraft, and I agreed as long as I was able to bring Akaashi. Kuroo said it was fine, so now I just had to bring him along. He needed to refresh after last night, and I thought just relaxing and playing minecraft might help. "Hey Akaashi, do you want to go to Kuroo's with me to play minecraft?" I asked, even though he was going to be forced to go no matter what.

"I don't know Kenma, I think I need to stay with Oik-"

"Good I'm glad you're coming. Get your coffee ready, get dressed, and let's go."

His eyes widened and he sighed in defeat, turning on the coffee maker and walking to his room to dress himself. I, surprisingly enough, was already dressed. I woke up awhile ago due to Kuroo texting me, and just decided to get ready. That's when I decided that Akaashi should come with, then I watched Oikawa stumble into the bathroom and into Akaashi's room, and so on.

Soon, Akaashi came out in an outfit similar to mine. He had on simple black sweatpants along with a blue t-shirt. He went over to the coffee machine, looked at how long it had left, then grabbed two cups to go. He turned around and looked at me, eye bags and all. "So, why am I being dragged along exactly?"

"You need it, and you know it. You'd just sit in your room thinking about last night for hours if not," I pointed out.

"What if Bokuto-san is there?" He asked, turning back to the coffee as the timer went off.

He poured the cups as I said, "Well, even if he is, he'll be asleep. Concussions knock you out."

He took a deep breath, "You're right. The coffee is ready, both black." He grabbed a sticky note off the counter and wrote something on it before sticking on our mini fridge and grabbing his coffee.

I got up and grabbed my coffee, heading out the door after Akaashi opened it. We walked in calm silence to the elevator.


I knocked and the door was opened by a smiling Kuroo. "Hey Kenma- Oya? Akaashi?"

"Hello, Kuroo-san," he gave a polite wave.

Kuroo moved from the doorway and allowed us to walk in, us doing so after. Kuroo shut the door and offered for us to sit on the couch. We sat and Kuroo smiled. Goddamn he's not good at starting up a hangout like this. "Oh!- Uh- also, Bokuto is sleeping right now," suddenly Akaashi was very focused on Kuroo, "so we gotta be quiet."

"Alright," I shrugged and Akaashi nodded. Kuroo handed us some controllers but Akaashi declined.

"Why'd you come if you don't wanna play?" Kuroo asked from his seat beside me.

"Kenma dragged me here," Akaashi plainly said.

I grumble a little. "Make the world, you scrub," I glare at Kuroo.

"Okay, okay! No need to be so harsh," He rolled his eyes in defeat as he began to name and customize the world. "So, how's Oikawa?"

"Dead asleep, like always," Akaashi shrugged.

"He's always been a lightweight so I don't know why he drinks so much," I comment, watching the world as it loads up.

"He seems like a fun drunk, though," Kuroo chuckled.

"No. He's not," Akaashi and I said at the same time, looking at him with a dead face.


"Long story," Akaashi shook his head and looked back at the tv.

Kuroo looked at me for an explanation, and I shrugged. "Never take on the job of watching Oikawa when he's with Hanamaki and Matsukawa."


Akaashi checked his phone and then rolled his eyes. "What?" I asked.

"Oikawa fell off the bed and decided to text me about it... at least I think that's what happened." He turned the phone around to show me, and I stopped punching minecraft trees to see.

On the screen read, "akahi i felk off tne bex cqn i sleep ob the flopr"

I smiled slightly and shook my head, "He texts as though he's still drunk."

"I think he's just so tired he can't type
well," Akaashi sighed and began typing a response.

Soon, Kuroo and I had teamed up and built a little temporary house close to where we wanted to build our mansion. We made our beds and put them on opposite sides of the house and slept.

The game went into saving mode and I looked at Akaashi. He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone, occasionally looking up at the screen. It was still better than him sitting in bed all day while he contemplated the party.

The game loaded back up, and then we heard a door open. Suga appeared, coming out of the room with a smile. "Akaashi! Kenma! Glad to see you're awake!"

"You too, Suga, but please keep it down. Bokuto is tryna sleep," Kuroo smiled lightly at him.

"Oh! I mean... Oh. Okay. Sorry. I must not have heard you guys come back," He smiled as he walked over and sat down next to me, shutting Daichi's door before he did so.

"Where's Daichi?" Kuroo asked.

"Ah, asleep. He said he didn't sleep well last night, which is understandable."

"I don't think anyone did," I shrugged.

"You're not wrong," Akaashi nodded.


really random thing i wanna say at 7:50pm on friday, as i'm getting ready to draw for a bit: so i've read silent but loud by moonfishh two times now and i'm literally gonna read it a third time and i went back to look at my like thank you comment for the book anD I SAID "I LOVES THIS SO MUCH" INSTEAD OF LOVED THIS SO MUCH GOODBYEEEE-

i can't decide if i wanna do bokuaka week or not :/ like i wanna but i don't know if i have enough time to prepare or how i wanna do it... i think ima just start on it idk ainekemf i have all the prompts i wanna do i just don't know aiwkkwmdmd

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