32) just to stare at me or something

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i'm practicing 3rd person ignore me-

3rd person

"So just go to the cafeteria at like three-ish. Daishou said he'd be there then," Oikawa smiled.

Bokuto looked confused, while Akaashi just looked tired. Oikawa had just explained the plan he made with Daishou so he could apologize for what he did. "Okay. I'll go," Akaashi stated, shrugging.

Bokuto just blinked a couple times, "What did Daishou do again?"

"He's so stupid..." Iwaizumi mumbled from the couch, shaking his head.

"Bokuto-san... your concussion?" Akaashi blinked at the man next to him.

"OoooOOOOOHHHH YEAAHHH. Okie dokie I'll go!" Bokuto smiled and walked away, into his room.

Akaashi just watched him leave and continued making lunch, Oikawa having interrupted that.

Oikawa walked over and sat on the couch next to Iwaizumi. "Whatcha watchin?" He asked.

"The Office." Iwaizumi shrugged.

"Ooo! Fun! I'm gonna watch too."

"I didn't think you sat down just to stare at me or something," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Well I did but now I'm gonna watch tv!" Oikawa got comfortable.


"Nothing, nothing! Akaashi, when's lunch gonna be ready- AKAASHI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Akaashi was sitting at the table eating his ramen he made. "What? I never said I was making lunch for you too. I said I would make lunch, and I did, so now I'm eating it."

Kenma then came out of the bathroom, and got some ramen for himself, sitting at the table next to Akaashi. "But Kenma can have some?!" Oikawa huffed.

"He asked," Akaashi shrugged, pulling out his IPad and begging to edit some photos he took of the sunset the other night.

"You're so cold.." Oikawa turned back to the tv.

"You're so annoying," Iwaizumi smirked at his own insult.

"I did not ask for this harassment, thank you very much."

"You didn't ask for it... but you got it," Kenma said, somehow playing his switch with one hand while also eating his ramen at the same time.

Bokuto then came back out of his room, changed out of the gym clothes he was previously in. "Ooo! Akaashi! The ramen is done?!"

"Yes, Bokuto-san. Your bowl is on the counter," Akaashi said.

"Hell yeah!" He smiled, walking child-like to the bowl and taking the rest of the ramen, then joining Akaashi and Kenma at the table.

There was a snorting sound, and then a groan, and everyone looked at the arm chair where Kuroo had been knocked out for hours now. "W-What time is it?" He asked.

"Like one... ish," Oikawa said.

"Mm... Okay... 'm goin' to bed..." Kuroo stood up and walked into his room, shutting the door behind him.

"Why's he so tired?" Oikawa asked.

"He was studying all night..... surprisingly..." Kenma said, also sounding a slight bit more tired than usual.

"How do you know?" Iwaizumi asked.

"He was on Facetime with me while I played Among Us," Kenma shrugged.

"Oh my god! What's everyone's main color in Among Us?!" Oikawa suddenly got excited and looked around at everyone.

They went around the room, and Iwaizumi said black, Oikawa pink, Akaashi white, Kenma red, and Bokuto yellow. They also found out how bad Bokuto was at imposter, and after the ramen children finished their food, they all played together for awhile, just getting angry. There was a lot of screeching from Oikawa.


Akaashi and Bokuto were walking together to the cafeteria, not particularly fast. "You're really good as imposter, Kaashi!!"

"Thanks... I guess... Bokuto-san. You're getting better," Akaashi smiled at him.

"Yay! I'm glad! I love doing fun stuff like that!" Bokuto's smile only beamed more.

Eventually, they got to the cafeteria. They were a little early, so they just sat down and got on their phones for a little bit. Then, Daishou arrived. Together, they decided to sit at a table to talk, so they sat close by.

Bokuto and Akaashi looked at Daishou, both not really knowing what to expect. "So umm... I just wanna apologize... for my past behaviors.."

"It's okay!-"

"Bokuto-san, please don't interrupt him."

"Right. Sorry."

Daishou seemed to tense in annoyance at that, and Akaashi noticed. Akaashi had noticed Daishou's hate for Kuroo the minute he saw how they acted, but Akaashi couldn't comprehend Daishou not hating Bokuto. At least, not as much. He was literally apologizing to them, so why did anything Bokuto do seem to annoy Daishou? "Anyway, I shouldn't have cheated and I definitely shouldn't have gotten so mad at you, Akaashi, for standing up for them. I hope you guys can forgive me."

"Sure! Just, please don't give me a concussion again," Bokuto smiled. He honestly didn't care if Daishou apologized or not, he could beat snake boy's ass any day, and he would've that night if it weren't for him being drunk and stupid.

"I suppose so," Akaashi said, "but this doesn't mean you are friends with me, nor Bokuto-san. Just, act like always."

"Will do!" Daishou at least attempted a smile before leaving.

After that, Bokuto and Akaashi decided to get some ice cream. They sat and talked, and even got to the point where Bokuto agreed to "model" for Akaashi, who has recently been practicing photography.

Eventually, they headed back to the dorm, pretty casually. Then Akaashi noticed the nice day outside, and they went outside for a walk. Akaashi took pictures from many different angles and even got some of Bokuto.

They sat down in the park and just kinda relaxed for an hour and talked some more. Then they headed back to the dorm and ate dinner with Kuroo and Kenma, and then Akaashi and Kenma left to go to bed... they were drained. they went to sleep, having to ignore Oikawa and Iwaizumi yelling while playing Mario Kart.

Those two were always playing Mario Kart for some reason. The other three found it annoying when they were up at three am screaming and shit, but at least they were having fun.


i watched sapnaps love or host for awhile and it was scary. that's all

also my friend and i need a name for our minecraft server we are gonna play on (i would prefer if it wasn't anime btw-- just cuz anime already overloads most of my life... our names are ella and karma if that helps any. we are not good at name making) so does anyone have ideas?

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