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I drag myself to my bed.
What the fuck have I just done. What was I thinking ??. That was blue fucking Vermont. This is why I don't drink .

Okay dude , get your swearing together.

I doubt she would remember tho, she drank too hard , I hope no one tells her , she would freak out . Not that I care or anything but she hates me and I hate her too . I need to tell pete'

I pull out my phone from my pants and quickly fish out pete' digits

After couples of rings, he picks up

"Bro what the fu-" he starts shouting into the phone but I was ready for this and I cut him off

"I know, I know, what I did was shit...but it has happened and you have to help me and sort this out" I calmly say slightly wincing from my hurting side as I try to sit down . yesterday's memory hurts physically and mentally.

Who tf invited me to the party anyways ...damn.

"Look bro, I don't know what you have gotten yourselves into but I'm sure as hell we can't discuss it over the phone. Meet me at Bob's by 7 " he orders .

I try to arrange my thoughts as quickly as possible . I grab my phone and call sky.

"Hey blue" sky says through a mouth full of food .I sense her slight discomfort but I decided to wave it off. I have too much on my mind any ways .

"Sky, can you come over?. I need um, I need you to speak to you about last night."

"Is everything okay?,"

"Yh, it is...I just need to ask you about something."

"Then ask me then, I'm all ears "

"I really don't want to do it over the phone,"

" I'm sorry blue but I actually have plans with the boys and Natasha" she closes a door behind her

Ouch. The group is going out and I wasn't invited . hurts more than it would have a day ago.

"Where are you guys going ,maybe-" I suggest

"We..we are not sure yet, but I'd ask the boys if you can come and text you . gotta get ready , bye." She says distractedly. Then she ends the call

Second time someone is ending a call with me this morning. But since when does she need the ask the boys for permission before we all go out.

I need to find out what happened last night. Its too much of a coincidence both Christian and sky are acting weird, I hope I didn't confess to anything stupid though
I laugh to myself.
I lay back on my bed and try to call each of boys one by one .
They dont pick.

Its nothing serious , I tell myself as I drift off to sleep.

Ryan, pete', christian, Natasha and Sky arrive one after the other and we take our orders and sit down at the furthest booth.

"So we are keeping this a secret right?" Ryan started the conversation

"I guess, we have to" pete' answered

"Well, some of us can't just lie into our bestfriends face" sky deadpans

"You just have to do it. Find another story." Christian speaks up

"But we all have to have the same story , so what it?" Natasha dryly adds

"We can't mention the dare. So we'd say she picked truth. And Ryan asked her who she likes" I quickly come up with

"That would be a great story but, unfortunately we dont know who blue likes " pete' says as he looks at sky. The rest followed suit and looked at sky.

"What?" Sky askes.

"You are her bestie, I'm sure you know" Natasha leans closer to sky.

"I'm not going to betray her like that , change your story" sky rolls her eyes

"That's the story she'd buy the most or do you want her to find out that she and-" Ryan speaks with clenched teeth probably remembering last night.

"Okay okay , she likes Christian" sky says in a low voice

Christian says nothing , he just bites his lips harder. He must have known.

"Well, thats settled . no one should fuck up yea? . Now can we eat??" Ryan grabs his plate from the tray

"Maybe if you hadn't given her the stupid dare this wouldn't have started anyways" I mumble irritated


"Nothing'" I take a bite from my burger.

I wake up from the sound of pots and pan clashing
Who the hell does dishes by
I pick up my phone to check the time . 4pm .

Today feels so out of place. I peep outside the window and I notice his car isn't park where it used to be

I get up to have my shower and brush my teeth

My phone lights up and I see a message from one of the Franklin's . The popular Quadruplets in university . Am I supposed to be happy . I squint my eyes to see what the message read


I got your number from christian

You don't mind right?


I type in a quick 'no' and I sit back down

This should be interesting.


A DRINK I'D NEVER FORGETWhere stories live. Discover now