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This chapter is dedicated to blehhh_r Thank you so much for reading and writing
Now for those who want to know more about Thalassophobia. Read below the boldened text, for those who don't give a fuck , just jump straight into Blue's POV

For the nerds like myself,
Thalassophobia is a fear response triggered by a single, specific stimulus. In this case it's the mysteries of the depths that can cause someone to have an adverse reaction. Thalassophobia differs from a fear of water itself (hello, aquaphobia), in that what most sufferers focus on what might be hiding below the surface, be that a shark, a childhood trauma, or simply the vast abyss itself.

Those with true Thalassophobia can experience extreme symptoms when confronted with large bodies of water, including sweating,anxiety attacks, shaking, and vomiting, although most people who would identify with the phobia probably just get really scared.

I received a call from the Din this evening, apparently I have not be attending a lot of classes lately and I quote

'Miss Vermont, I have been getting reports from teachers stating you haven't been attending most classes, I don't know your reasons but I'd like to remind you that Your Father paid a lot of money for you to get accepted into this university irrespective of your insufficient high school performance, and I am very sure he wouldn't like to hear the feedback I am getting, you have currently missed 5 tests, and you haven't submitted any project assigned to you, I and the board have decided to give you three days to catch up with your school work or we might just redraw that Mercy we had upon you. Our School does not condone Laziness!"

Yes, I attend a private university that keeps track on all students academic behavior,
Yes I am not as smart as you think, hell, I didn't even make my high School
But Money can buy what Money can buy. So My father bought my way into this University
But yes, I am still attending tonights party.

"Blue, you almost ready?" Sky shouts at me , forcing an earring though her ear hole and scurring to get her bag

"Calm down, you can never be late for a teenage party you know" I part my hair into two , weighing each side to determine if they were equal.

"Yes, but all the booze can run out" Sky comes over , forcefully drags the comb from my hair, then proceeds to part my hair neatly.

"Booze, its only alcoholics that say booze" I snicker pinning my hair down

"Are you indirectly calling me an alcoholic Blue"

"No , how can I" I laugh again and sky tugs at my hair.

"When is Parker coming ..." Immediately sky ends her sentence , the bell alarm goes off.

"Now" I quickly pin the other side swiftly. The time is 8 pm and I feel kind of proud that I was able to conclude my 'getting ready' in 3 hours, yes people! ,

I open the door for Parker and he doesn't waste a second to pull me into him . I can hear Sky awwning through what she just put in her mouth.

"You ready?" the statement flies out of his mouth while he takes a moment to look at me, I didn't do too much , I'm simply wearing a denim jean skirt with a black wrap top that hangs just above my belly button, I'm not a jewelry person, so all I wore was a layer necklace.

"Yea, you smell nice " I blurt out. Ugh Blue , why do you have to say such weird things.

"Um, thanks?" He smiles at me and I hear yet another interruption from Sky, this time it was a cough

" I hate to be the third- actually I love too, but baby girl needs some sugar ,you need to get your asses into the convertible" Sky pushes us outside. I could hear my inner mind telling me , I am irresponsible , but life waits for no one. You telling me to miss the first party of the term??

Parker disappears into the crowd as soon as we step in and Sky has two red cups in her hand already, well. I have one too but trust me when I say I don't know how it got there.

"Ouuuu, see that guy over there?" Sky whispers to me and I almost choke at her alcohol breath. I could slap her but that would be taking advantage of her drunken state.

"The one in Blue shirt?" I've seen him around, I don't think he is good company though.

"Sky, I don-" ouch, she's gone, may the grace be with her. And now I am all alone.

I see Putin wave me over and I can't help but notice the girl on his laps, Red I suppose??

"I want you to meet someone" Putin says as he sips from a cup, I see the glint in his eyes, he is this close to getting there.

"Hey, I'm Red" The girl stretched her hand towards me as a smile
Stretched across her face, wow, she's way prettier up close.

"I'm Blue" I return the smile, taking her hand, it sound like a nursery game , where we pretend to be colours , hi I'm red, and I'm blue, when we mix together we make what?, Purple!!!

" I've heard a lot about you" the smile still remains in her face and I'm wondering if she can breathe, yes. You can breathe while smiling, don't try it.

"Really?" I take in what she is wearing and I mentally face palm.

"Sorry, to interrupt but did you know, Parker and Isaac are having a swim race today" Perry comes from behind and slings an arm over my shoulder.

"A what??" It comes out louder than expected, did you know alcohol increases your hearing??

"That's what I said at first" Perry laughs and I'm shrinking under this dim light and high life music


"Blue, you good?" Red looks at me, I think my face just morphed into something unpleasant because Perry backs away

"Here, have this" Red hands me her red cup and I don't even think about the consequences before I gulp everything down .

You may continue ;)...

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