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You may begin...

"Are you okay?" Parker comes into the kitchen minutes later and I'm relieved

"Yea, I'm good" I say sitting on the counter

"You didn't sound good when you where talking to Christian" he laughs

" why did you say his name that way" I can't resist the smile poking at my lips

"Yunno the irony. A Christian and Christian." He laughs even more . what's so funny ?

I don't find the humor but I end up laugh with him . contagious much?

"You used to like Christian, didn't you?" Parker breaks an egg into the mixture.

"Yea, I guess so " I shrug . I mean , I did like him but it was never that deep

"Been with any other guy?" He faces me

"I'm not the dating type" I laugh. I'm afraid of commitments. Sometimes I still feel like sky and I are just friends.

"You are afraid of commitments , aren't you" He brings out sugar and a table spoon from another cabinet.

"What's with you and stating a fact then adding 'aren't you, isn't it, didn't you' ," I laugh noticing this fact

"To confirm" He laughs with me

"Well, yea, I'm afraid of commitments" I pick at a strand from the hem of the shirt.

"Why?" He scratches his nose , and some flour spreads across the bridge of his nose. It took all I got to restrain myself from wiping it off

"Because of my parents marriage" My throat feels sore , the topic alone makes me want to cry .

"Oh, I'm sorry" he quickly notices my discomfort and I give him a quick smile.

"Why do you guys have so much cooking utensils and ingredients anyways ??" I look around noticing the utensils and cabinets.

"Oh, My parents are chefs and cooking is like a hobbies for my brothers and I "  He pours raisins into the mixture.

"That's cute" I smile into my words finally pulling out the strand from the shirt .

"You're cute" He looks at me and I freeze


I type furiously into my phone , I stare at the header and I press send into sky's direct message

Blue texted you?

I watch as the three dots float across the screen . could she type any fasterrr??

Sky : Yes. I just saw the message . about to call her tho.
Any problem?

No, The boys and I went to the Franklin's and -

I press delete until I reach the No.

No, Call her. 
She'd tell you what's going on .

Sky: okay :}.

I exit from the page and see the series of messages I have refused to answer

Christian : Bro, let's talk

Ryan: You okay?

Pete' : I told Christian to talk to you..

Parker: haq.

My eyes narrow at the most recent text from parker. What the hell does he mean by "haq" .

You disgraced yourself in front of the Franklin's dude . of course he'd say haq.

My inner mind reminds me and I instantly feel sick with anger.

I exit the whole app and open my iTunes.
A dose of Travis Scott should help.


My phone rings and I peep into it.  Lowkey afraid of who might be calling.  I feel better when I see a "bestiee" plastered across the screen .

"Be right back" I tell parker as I pick up my phone and walk to the parlour

"Hey" I speak into the phone immediately I pick the call

"Blue? , have you gone mad????. How could you just just leave like that , no message , no calls no information, I was scared to death when Isaac told me you didn't come home!!" Sky practically screams into my ear and I can't help but smile.  This is a friend.

"I'm sorry sky but my phone was out yesterday and I swear I totally forgot"

"I give you 2 seconds to start talking" she replys and I take my seat .

I tell her everything from me at the Franklin's , to watching a movie ,to baking, to the Christian shinanigan, to talking to parker ,and the comments I'm getting from her is making me laugh

"I hope he hasn't taken your ****** tho? " she deadpans and I laugh

"Of course not, " I laugh into the phone for the thousandth time .

"That's good. The Franklin's seem good tho , maybe you could introduce me to ....yannooshe drags her word and I'm almost squirming . It would be cute to double date right.

"You are such a bitch" I say into the phone and I hear the alarm of the oven go off

"Sky, I got to go, our cupcake is done. I'd call you later " I quickly end the call after she says her bye  .

As I stand up about to make my way to the kitchen , I realize Parker has been watching me from the kitchen for I don't know how long.

"How long have you been there?" I sound surprised

"Since you started laughing like a man" he laughs and I squirm

I sound like a man??

"No you don't , just when you are talking to sky" He pipes the cupcake and I'm still frozen to the spot in the parlour.

"Can you read minds or something" I look to the ground as I find my feet and continue walking

"No, but your expression gives you off." He faces back to the cupcake

I can smell the icing from here and I've never smelt anything better. I come closer to where he was standing and

"Is this for me?" I stare at the huge cupcake written with blue icing on it ...blue.

"Um, is there anyone else named blue in this house? , blue!!"  He looks left and right and shouts my name like I'm not there. I shove him .

"I don't think I can finish this" I pick up the cupcake , weighing it with my two hands . it is the size of 3 cupcakes combined.

"Take a bite first" he picks us a tissue and cleans his nose . I eye the tissue dangerously.

I sink my teeth into it and damnn...

"Oh ma gos, it's amazen" I say the word , my mouth still full with this icy goodness

"Yeaaaa" He comes closer....and my heart quakes.

He looks into my eyes and I don't know why but I look down . He uses his other hand to raise up my head

Is he going to kiss me like -
he cleans the side of my mouth then licks it.
The bubbles in my tummy bursts and I almost wish he actually kissed me.


A DRINK I'D NEVER FORGETWhere stories live. Discover now