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I see the handle bent down and I pull away from Christian. Isaac comes into view.

"Oh sorry, I just came to um. Find out what was going on" Isaac stutters and I'm full with surprise.

"Its okay, I was just leaving" Christian stands up and straightens his shirt.

"I heard shouts?" Isaac continues..

"Oh, yh, that was me asking Christian to get out." I laugh and Christian scratches the back of his head.

"Haq haq so funny" Christian mumbles under his breadth and I glare at him catching this.

"Well, I'd just be-" Isaac spun 180 and started leaving the room .

"See you later, blue" Christian says one last time before he follows Isaac's footstep. For the first time Isaac didn't scowl or make any rude comment . are we starting to get along?.

I shut my door behind them and I look around. I spot a white lace bra hanging out from a drawer and I curse under my breath. Shit. I hope Christian didn't go through my under wears. I laugh to myself and I pull out notes from my bag to catch up on my school work.

An hour and 30 minutes later...

I'm tired as fuck and I pick up my phone to text sky.

Parker :) : Hey?

I saw the first text message and my sleep clears in an instant. He didn't exactly do anything wrong to me , why do I now feel this way?. I don't want to talk to Parker and I don't know why. He wasn't the one who narrated the story to me... I pick up my phone again and I stare at the message. Should I open it , should I not. I argue with myself .

Mind: open it.
Heart ; do not
Mind: open it blue
Heart: don't you dare!

My mind wins and I open the message , I reply a quick hi :) and I call sky . I tell her about the Christian misunderstanding and she thinks its funny. I don't see the humor . we talked for an hour and I finally drifted off to sleep on the call.


"Thanks man" Christian slaps hand with me

"I hope you all settled your bullshit" I pick at the green skittles.

"Yea, I guess" Christian replies sitting on a stool in the kitchen .

"You like her don't you?" I just had to ask.

"I don't know. I liked the fact that she liked me but now that she's over me ,I don't know" Christian laughs bringing out his phone .

"Mmm, petty much" I reply sitting down on a stool too.

"You wouldn't understand, I'm so used to being her crush and I just kind of miss the attention and secrecy. But now that its all in the open , I don't know how to behave" Christian speaks still looking at his phone . what's with this dude .

"I actually understand. She's my-, never mind" I stop mid way , realizing what I was about to say.

"Huh" Christian looks up at me puzzled .

"Forget it " I stand out walking to the parlor.


Wednesday morning and I feel like a walking dead. I drag myself to the bathroom , throw on some baggy shirt , pants and Snickers, I sit down on my dressing table and I do the needful.

Blue be doing the most.

I pick up breakfast ,order my uber and escape from my apartment before I get ugly comments from poor Isaac.


"Hell, blue you looks like-" sky scans me up and down as I approach my locker

"Hold it" I hold my hand in front of her to prevent her from completing her sentence

"What went wrong" she says feeling the sleeve of my shirt.

"The time" I grumble and I bang my head on the locker.

"Grumpy much" sky laughs at me as she pulls out a shirt from her bag

"I always have this in case of times like this, you are welcome " She hands me a black shirt

And she walks me to the girls toilet , I pull off my baggy shirt and wear the long sleeved black shirt then I tuck in.

"Cutee" sky squirms as we walk out of the toilet. I see parker and I freeze

"Parker , approaching..." Sky sees where my eyes went and she turns left and leaves me

He spots me and walks towards me , I wave to his brothers behind him

"Blue" he towers above me and I'm dumbfounded

"Don't tell me you are still shy" he laughs , looking down at me . I know I'm short but I just look super short beside this dude.

"I'm not. Maybe" I find my words and I'm turning red.

"Looks like you are" he comes closer to me and I fluster

He collects the books in my hand and we make small talk as he walks me to class. I'm getting looks from everyone and I just want to disappear, with Parker of course.

"You don't mind me picking you after school right? " Parker stops at the door of my biology class.

"To where?" I prob . where is he picking me to

"My house?"

"Oh sureee" my words get caught in my throat. He gives me a quick smile and walks away.

What's with this guy??. Be all flirty and sexy but when it comes to the moment when shit is actually supposed to happen , he just skips it . We are not friends Parker!! . I mentally sigh before I open the door to my class.

I bring out my phone to text sky .

Sky, Parker is picking me up after school to their house. Tell the boys this time that there is no need to plan a coup. :)


I'm hesitant to play it but I figure my volume is probably low.

Don't forget to use protection!.  Sky's voice booms out of my speaker and I curse. The whole class whips their head to my direction . who the fuck increased my volume??


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