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You may begin :)...


Fuck it, I'm going in

I step out of car and walk towards Christians apartment , I spot the rest of the boys cars parked aside and I increase my pace. Can I just get this over with?

Before I could ring the bell, the door swings open and a hard faced Pete' stared at me

"About time dude" Pete' says as he steps aside to show me the full crew sitting around Christian. They where expecting me ?

With my cold hands in my pocket, I took slow strides towards the group and the way their eyes followed my moment made me even more self conscious.

"Look Christian, I didn't mean- to hit you" the words I had practiced all night finally left my mouth, I wasn't one to apologize, I was one to wait it out, but not when all my guys where against me

He lets out a small chuckle after I concluded, one of his eyes slightly closed from the band around his head, he lifts a hand and offers it to me

"Its all good man, I was drunk...I guess I kinda deserved the hit" he says as he snaps fingers with me. Christian is a good guy , at least he admitted that he kinda deserved the hit.

"Blue just texted that she couldn't come over, Red's parents are around" Kalen blurts out, tucking his phone back into his pocket and mouthing a 'what' when all the heads snapped towards him.

"They where having a reconciliation moment man" Richards spits out, adjusting on the bean bag he had been sitting on then continues typing on his phone.

"I'm sorry " the words ease out of my mouth, ignoring kalen and Christian's reply is cut off by Ryan's abrupt aggressive clapping . Mad people around me.

"Damn, Christian what did you do to Isaac, this is the first time I'm hearing the S word from his mouth" Ryan laughs out , slapping against Pete' who glares at him in return

"I took a hit to the head" Christian replies as he points to the bandage around his head, I don't still understand how I hit him that bad

"So, Isaac what did you take?" Richard walks over to the counter and pulls a seat closer. Take?

"Its obvious you took something, you aren't that bad at swimming" Kalen laughs out and I'm suddenly found. What I took that Friday night.

"Who even gave you?" Pete' chips in and now all eyes are on me, including the dog I just seemed to notice right now.

"Dylan-" before I could complete my sentence, I was interrupted. Again


" fucking cunt"

"I knew it"

"He said that he saw Parker taking some of his own stuff, that's why I took it" I continued my statement, unconsciously putting and removing my hands from my pockets

"Cap, Parker was clean" Kalen spat out, and Richard nodded his head to that

"What exactly did he give you" Pete' asked casually,

"I don't know man, he called it something that sounded like oxygen-" I scratch the back of my head trying to think if that night

"Oxandrin" Christian spoke up, "its a hard ass steroid that weight lifters take, it shouldn't be used for a sport like swimming"

"No wonder the swing you gave Christian had such an impact" Ryan stiffles a laughter, I and Christian shoot him death glares.




"I'd try to buy you time, hurry" Red pushes me towards the room then sprints out the door

"Okay, it wouldn't make sense to start folding now, amma just throw the rest into the wardrobe" I say to my self, staring at the pile of clothes on the bed

,I start throwing clothes into the white wardrobe, some falling to the ground, some at the edge of the wardrobe. I'm in a Frenzy.

*Is she around*

A strong voice echoes down the hall and my heart skips a beat. Is that her father?, obviously

I straighten the bed and squeeze the clothes into the wardrobe so I could close it. How the fuck do you close-

"Welcome to our home, dear" A tall cherry faced woman opens the door and an unconscious smile spreads across my face. Red follows her dad in then spots me, pressed against the wardrobe to stop the fixture from spilling its guts out.

"So this is the famous Blue Vermont" Her dad speaks up, a slight British in his accent. He motions for me to come over and my legs are frozen to the ground...why do I have to be so shy?

Its either I ignore his obvious gesture or walk towards him and watch all the clothes pour behind me--

I step towards Red's Dad, flinching at my expectation of the wardrobe to swing open,

"Thank you for having me Sir" I heave of, peeping at my back to see the miracle that just happened, why isn't the wardrobe opening ??. It isn't locked

"I see you have started unpacking" Red's mom murmurs and she straightens the bedding even more and peers around the room. I give Red a conscious eye and she returns it

"Thats nice, I hope the room isn't uncomfortable or anything" she continues, straightening the bedding once again, like there's something wrong with the lining . OCD , this woman has OCD

"No Mrs, it's fine" I smile nervously again. That smile you can't help when an Elder is being nice to you.

"If you need anything, you have our Red here, I suppose you two have met already" Red's dad peers around again, swiping his fingers across the door handle and feeling for dust. OCD, this man has OCD too.

I'm in a white house with OCD owners.

(Obsessive compulsive disorder)

"Yes, dad we have ...actually , Blue and I have a lot of school work to do and-" Red speaks up, indicating they should leave..

"Ah yes, Her mom told me all about it. I'd leave you two to it" He catches the drift, and her mom still looks at me weirdly, before trailing behind her husband.. Excuse me, but did her mom just give me the eye

The moment they're gone, my phone Start's ringing like it was waiting for me.

MOM floats across my screen and I mentally cringe. Perfect timing people..



A DRINK I'D NEVER FORGETWhere stories live. Discover now