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Okay guys,  so this isn't an actual chapter. Its more like a back story , I just felt the need to update again this week and i'd be using this as an opportunity to answer some questions. My style of writing might change from now on and they might be a whole lot of new characters But I haven't made up my mind,  Wherever the wind takes us.

Blue and Isaac are step siblings . Yes,  you may have noticed that Blue 's surname is Vermont, and Isaac's surname is Curtae. That's because Isaac's mom did not accept to take on her husbands name.

Blue and Sky have similar attitudes in the boys aspect.  They aren't the typical close as fuck best friends you see on Wattpad but they have always and will always be there for each other.  None of my characters live with their parents, they either have their own apartments or their house. (like the Franklins)

Blue doesn't really have a relationship with her mom, that is why you rarely see me bring it up. Blue's mom is a strict, hard working business woman, she devoted almost all her time to her work. Blue dislikes that she doesn't have time for her family.

Ryan is a mixed race,  he is jovial,  funny and callous. He takes most things very Light, he is Friends with Pete', Christian and Isaac,  they attended the same highschool so they felt the need to be close. 

Natasha,  I'm sure you haven't heard of her since the first and second chapter, Tbh, I actually forgot about her but not anymore. Blue and Sky don't really like Natasha because she has a two sided behavior. Natasha is Christian's cousins,  that's why she rolls with them sometimes, other times she'd with her own type of people.

Pete' is the logical one,  he plays but when it's time to be serious, he always is,  he doesn't talk much, He had a drug problem before,  hard to believe but he is managing it better than ever

Christian is the typical bad boy hottie,  except he doesn't have the bad boy curriculum, I.e. he doesn't play girls,  he doesn't do drugs,  he doesn't play pranks or the whatnot. He does sport but he isn't that good, basically,  he is a regular boy in a bad boys body. He would totally pass for a bad boy

The franklins are the Famous quadraplents, not famous in the sense of popularity, we don't do that here,  but Famous because they are Four hot dudes who look alike. Petty, Parker, Putin and Perry. They are nice to be around. They cook!!. (who doesn't love boys that cook).  They stick up for each other. Moving on

Kris is the nanny,  more of the baby sitter because she makes sure everything has been okay between the step siblings. Kris came with Isaac,  Isaac's mom made sure Kris looked after Isaac,  well,  that was before she became a drunk.  Yep, Isaac hasn't seen his mom in years, Isaac stays with the Vermonts.

Isaac on the other hand. From his point of veiw,  you could see he talks weird.  The things that go on in his head are messed up , he had a bad childhood. His dad was heavy handed, in other words. Isaac was abused. His mom left the marriage for Blue's dad , that didn't work out too.  Let's just say,  Isaac has parental Issues.

Blue and Isaac hate themselves, well,  hated,  because from the looks of it, they are warming up to each other, Blue felt like Isaac was intruding into their family. She was used to being the only child, she was used to having one mother around, until Isaac's mom came around and things started changing. Isaac wanted a normal home like Blue's But Blue's hate for him made him hate her back. The feeling was mutual

Parker,  is a nice kid. The quiet one out of the four,  the one who doesn't have freckles or tattoos or piercings. Dare I say he was plain. Parker always noticed blue,  he just decided this session he was going to shoot his shot. He didn't expect Blue to want him so bad but she did and there the story goes. I'm not sure what Parker's intentions are. But I hope they are good.

The matter between Sky and Isaac had to do with mental distractions. They both needed distractions from something, the sexual tension built up.  They never really had a relationship before but Sky was always around and it's hard to not notice her with Blue,  Sky doesn't cling on to things, alcohol washed Isaac from her mind but Isaac's alcohol laminated her name. Isaac feels something for sky,  probably but he wouldn't admit it. No one would.

Blue is soft. She kind of reminds me of me,  she uses a facade of being loud to cover her emotional inside.  She is like a watermelon,  hard on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside. Words get to her, she might not show it but they do. Some might even say, she has insecurites but that's just her, she processes every word that comes out of your mouth. She dreams and lives like every other girl, she wants to be noticed, she wants attention,  and since Parker wasn't giving it to her,  she had to ask.  It ended in tears... She doesn't make commitments, she's afraid of them,  I don't blame her. Alot of people make promises they can't keep. They shouldn't have made them in the first place. It seems that she likes Parker but I think shes infatuated because he is what her dreams look like. She has never said it though,  not even to Sky.

Our dreams are always a blur,  that's why we often make mistakes recognizing them in reality. Blue tries to dream in reality, that way she'd have a clearer picture.


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