Chapter 1

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Richie's POV

I'm nearly at the quarry, I'm so excited because it's just going to be me and Eddie today, I rang him up yesterday and asked if he wanted to hang out with me for the day, which he agreed to.

I finally got to the beginning of the wooded area surrounding the quarry, I spotted Eddie's bike on a clearing of grass and left my bike next to it and started making my way through the wood. When I got to the other side I immediately spotted him.

Okay there's Eddie, be cool rich, be cool...

"Hey Eddie Spaghetti!" I enthusiastically said as I approached him, he was sitting by the edge of the cliff looking out towards the lake, he turned his head around to look at me when I greeted him.

"Don't call me that." Eddie huffed out, scrunching his face up in the cute way he does.

"Aw come on Eds, you know you love it!" I said as I discarded my backpack on the ground behind me and sat cross-legged next to him.

"I don't!" he said with an annoyed tone. "Anyway, what are we doing today?"  Eddie asked with a more calmed voice.

"I don't know. Whatever you want to do, I'm all yours for the whole day." I said, over exaggerating the last part.

"Oh how unlucky for me" Eddie jokingly replied, turning his attention back to the lake and leaning back on his hands placed behind him. "We could go swimming for a bit, if you want?" Eddie suggested after a moment, briefly glancing over at me before looking forward once again.

"Sounds great!" I replied immediately bouncing to my feet, putting a hand out for Eddie to take so I could help him up.

Eddie turned towards me grinning widely as he took my hand in his using it to pull himself to his feet. As he stood up our eyes met and locked on to one another. I felt my cheeks heating up and I realised that we had been standing there like that for a while, which I think he also realised because he hastily took his hand out of mine, turning his head to face the ground and walking over to his bag. I walked over to my bag starting to get undressed down to my pants same as Eddie, when we were both done we turned back to each other, blushing slightly at the lack of clothes we both had on. We simultaneously walked to the edge of the cliff standing side by side and looked down at the water then back at each other.

"You ready Eds?" I questioned, slightly nervous.

He nodded his head signifying a yes, took my hand into his and jumped of the edge dragging me along with him, we kept our hands clasped together as we plummeted through the air towards the lake blow, we let go when we landed in the water and swum up to the top, bobbing our heads above the water. We were both grinning widely as we turned our heads to look at each other, whilst kicking our legs to stay up.

"Oh Rich, what's that?" Eddie questioned, turning his head to the side and pointing at something behind me.

"What?" I asked him turning around and searching the area now in front of me. Not a second after I said that I felt two hands on my shoulders pushing me down into the water. As the water fully enveloped me, the hands disappeared off my shoulders and I once again swam to the top pushing my hair off my face and pushing my glasses back up my nose. I turned around to see Eddie looking smug while laughing at me. I smirked back at him and proceeded to jump on top of him pushing him down into the water.

We carried on like this for awhile taking turns in dunking each other in the water until we eventually both got worn out and swam to shore, we both went and lay on the ground holding our selves up by leaning on our arms situated at our sides. The sun was beaming down on us, drying us as we both attempted to catch our breaths. After awhile we had both calmed down and sat up cross-legged like we were doing before.

"That was fun!" I happily stated looking over at Eddie who turned his head toward me smiling lightly.

"Yeah it was." Eddie agreed still smiling at me. He has such a cute smile, it can easily make me happy seeing him so happy.

"So did you want to go over to my house, we can either play video games or watch movies with snacks I have hidden in my room, your choice?"

"Can we do both? Play video games for a bit, then watch a movie or two?"

"Yes! That is why I let you make the decisions!" I half shouted at him.

He giggled slightly at that, shaking his head a bit. "And because you're bad at making decisions" he said through another giggle.

I gasped at that and put my hand to my heart moving back a bit in a dramatic way. "You hurt me Eds, I can't believe you would say that about me!" I said with fake hurt in my voice.

Eddie rolled his eyes at that and pushed my arm lightly. "It's not like I was lying, just stating a fact" Eddie said in a matter of fact tone.

"Still hurts" I said looking away, keeping my hand on my chest still.

"You'll be fine" Eddie said while getting up and walking back to where his clothes are. "Now come on, get changed so we can bike round to yours."

"Yes sir, right away sir" I say standing up straight and saluting at him and proceeding to march over to my clothes.

After we both dried off with the towels we had brought in our bags and got changed, we walked through the woods, got on our bikes and headed for my house. It didn't take too long seeing as how close my house is to the quarry.

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