Chapter 22

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Eddie's POV

I finish getting changed into my PJ's and lie down on my side of the bed. 

When I called Richie cute he froze up with his whole face turning red. I hope that means that he likes me back and isn't freaked out by what I said.

He's always flirting with me, I don't know if it's as a joke or if he genuinely likes me. Bill keeps telling me that Richie is always looking at me and is sad when I'm not there, so I have hope. I just want to be sure that he does like me before I say anything.

For now I'll just flirt with him back and hopefully he gets the message.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Richie walks back into the room, closing the door behind him. He looks at me and I see that his face has cooled down but there is still a dust of pink on his cheeks.

He walks over to his wardrobe and pulls out his PJ's. He starts heading for the door again.

"Where are you going?" I question just as he reaches for the handle.

"I was going to the bathroom to get changed." he says turning around to look at me.

"Just do it in here. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

He hesitates before walking back into the room and placing his PJ's on the bed. He then sheepishly looks up at me.

"I won't look if it'll make you feel better." I say while turning my head away.

"Thanks." he mumbles out.

After a few minutes he says he's done, so I look back at him as he's turning the lamp on and throwing his clothes in a pile next to his desk.

He turns the main light off and come's back over, getting into his side of the bed and lying down.

I turn on my side and face him as he takes his glasses off and places them next to the lamp which he switches off.

He then turns on his side and faces me.

"Night Rich." I say with a smile as I close my eyes.

"Night Eds." he softly says, as I drift off to sleep.

The next day

I'm woken up to the sound of a phone ringing. I get up and go over to Richie's desk.

I quickly pick up the phone and hold the receiver to my ear.

"Hello?" I say while sitting down in the desk chair.

"E-Eddie?" I hear Bill say.

"Oh, hey Bill." I quietly say as to not wake Richie up.

"W-what are you doing at Richie's?"

"It's a long story. I think it best to tell all of you at the same time."

"Oh okay. W-well I was ringing to a-ask if you wanted to m-meet at the quarry?"

"Yeah, sounds good. What time?"

"A-about 12 am."

"Okay. I'll see you then. I'll tell Richie when he's awake."

"Alright, s-see you Eddie."

"See you Bill." I say as I put the phone back down, hanging it up.

I get up from the desk and go over to the door.

I'll get ready now and he'll probably be awake by then.

When I've finished I come back into the room and see Richie still fast asleep in bed.

I quietly walk over to Richie before jumping on top of him.

Richie jolts awake, looking scared. His eyes land on me and instantly relax.

"Jeez, you sure do love jumping on me, don't ya." he breathlessly says.

"Yep." I say, laughing a bit at his reaction. He looks up at me and an adorable smile takes over his face.

"You been up long then?" he asks, still smiling at me as his cheeks turn red. Probably from me still sitting on him.

"Not too long. I got woken up by Bill calling you." I explain. 

"Oh, what did he want?" he asks, as he reaches over for his glasses and puts them on.

I tell him about the conversation Bill and I had.

"Are you going to be alright telling them what happened?" he asks in a gentle tone.

"Yeah, it'll be hard to say obviously. But as long as I've got you I'll get through it." I say with a small smile at the end.

"Come here." Richie says with his arms open.

I move down a bit and lie on top of him as he wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face in his neck.

After a while I move my head to the side so that I can see the clock on the wall and see that it says 11:10 am.

I sit up, pulling out of Richie's embrace and move to sit next to him. 

"We only have 30 minutes before we have to leave." I quickly say as he sits up and looks at me.

"Oh, right. I'll go to the bathroom while you get changed," he says as he climbs out of bed and leaves the room.

Time skip to the quarry

We lay our bikes down with the others and start making our way through the trees.

When we get to the other side we look around and see everyone sitting at the bottom.

"You good Eds?" Richie asks me.

"Yeah." I say while letting out a breath.

He pats me on the back and walks beside me as we make our way down to the others.

"Hey guys." Richie says, grabbing everyone's attention.

They all turn to look at us and say hi back.

"Bill said you wanted to tell us all something." Beverly says to me.

"Yeah." I say letting out another deep breath. "I'm going to be living with Richie from now on because..." I trail off, getting nervous about the next bit.

Richie wraps his arm round my shoulders and pulls me into him, which gives me enough strength to finish my sentence.

"My mum died." I finally say.

Everyone lets out a gasp as they get up and walk closer to me.

"It was a couple days ago, we had to drive up to New Hampshire and identify her body." I say, my voice getting quieter.

Richie then pulls me into a hug and everyone else joins in for a group hug.

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