Chapter 24

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Eddie's POV

I lie my head on Richie's chest and snuggle up into him, then I feel him pull the arm out that I was lying on and wrap it round me, pulling me closer to him.

I softly smile, feeling content in Richie's embrace. I always love when we watch films, because that gives me an excuse to lie on him and he doesn't seem to mind when I do it.

When the film ends neither of us move, we just stay lying cuddled up together. 

After a few minutes Richie speaks up. "Do you want to get ready for bed now?" he asks me in a gentle voice.

"Alright, I'll go first." I say while hesitantly pulling away from Richie and going out the door.

When we're done, Richie turns off the main light and we both get into bed, lying down on our sides and facing each other.

"I know you don't like talking about it, but I was just wondering if you were ever going to tell the others the full story of what Sonia was like?" he asks, looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"No, she's gone now. I don't want to tell them and taint her memory even more." I say meeting Richie's eyes. "Plus, I'm glad only you know. I think it would be kind of overbearing if they all knew."

"I understand, and you don't need to worry about me telling anyone." he says with a gentle smile.

"Thanks." I quietly say.

Richie gives me a soft smile as he wraps his arm round my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up. I don't like seeing you sad." Richie says while he grabs my hand and entwines our fingers together.

"It's alright. You always make me feel better afterwards." I say, feeling my heart beat faster.

Richie moves back a bit to take his glasses off and turn off the lamp, before wrapping his arm back round me and snuggling his face in my hair.

"Night Eds." Richie says from above me.

"Night Rich." I say before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The next day

I wake up in Richie's arms and look down at our still entwined hands.

I love how touchy Richie is with me. Whenever I'm even a little bit sad he pulls me in for a hug. So whenever I am sad, I always get a bit excited because I know that Richie is going to hold me and now that we're living together we can cuddle up at night!

I feel a huge smile take over my face as I think about it, I just hope that he does it because he likes me and not just because we're best friends.

I then feel Richie moving his head back a bit, so I look up and meet his eyes.

"Morning Eds." he says, looking down at me with a soft smile.

"Morning Rich." I reply while he reaches over for his glasses.

"You feeling alright?" he asks now that he can fully see me.

"Yeah. It's hard to talk about my mum, especially now that she's gone." I say while looking at his chest. I then move my eyes up to meet his and say, "But as long as I've got you, I'll be fine."

Richie then pulls me into a tight hug. "You'll always have me." he says in a muffled voice from his face being in my hair.

We stay like that for awhile until we hear someone knocking on the door. 

We quickly pull apart and sit up in bed as Maggie walks in.

"Morning boys." she says with a smile as she walks closer to us.

"Morning." we both say back, giving Maggie a small smile.

"Have you decided where Eddie's stuff is going?"

"Yeah, we sorted it all out yesterday." Richie says in response.

"Alright, well get dressed then come down for breakfast, so we can pop round Eddie's house after." she says with a smile as she walks back over to the door.

We nod our heads at her before she goes out of the room, closing the door behind her.

We then get dressed and ready for the day ahead. We go downstairs and have breakfast that Maggie nicely made for us.

When we're done we all get in the moving truck that Maggie rented and drive to my old house.

We go up to my room and start packing my stuff away in boxes and one at a time taking them down to the truck. We then move the essential furniture that I need down to the truck as well.

After about 3 - 4 hours we're finally done and all hop back in the truck on our way back to Richie's/ my new house.

When we get back we have dinner before we start moving all of my stuff up into Richie's room.

We put my furniture in the places we decided the day before, and stacked up my boxes around the room to sort out later.

It was about 6 pm when we had done everything.

Maggie went downstairs to relax and me and Richie lay on our sides of the bed, exhausted.

"You officially live here now Eds!" Richie loudly exclaims while rolling over on to his front and looking at me with a huge grin on his face.

I laugh at his sudden outburst and gently nudge his arm. "Yeah I do!" I say copying his excitement, as I move closer to him, still softly laughing.

When I've calmed down, I open my eyes and look up at Richie who is above me. He's still lying on his front and I've moved closer to him with my head just under his.

I stare into his gorgeous Hazel eyes and just get lost in them. I see his eyes flicker down to my lips then back up.

I look down at his lips and my mind gets filled with the thought of kissing Richie.

Then he slowly starts leaning his head down closer to mine.

I look at his lips once more before closing my eyes...

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