Chapter 12

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Eddie's POV

I suddenly woke up feeling my arm being ragged and someone shouting something at me. I open my eyes to see my mum leaning over my bed roughly shaking my arm and shouting at me to wake up.

"Finally you're awake. I need to talk to you." she says letting go of my arm and standing up straight.

"What is it?" I say sounding annoyed while sitting up straight in bed.

"I'm leaving tomorrow and I won't be back until late in the afternoon on Thursday, so you'll be here by yourself." she bluntly says to me.

"Oh ok. Are you leaving me any money for food?" I ask sounding a bit shocked that she's just going to leave me here by myself. 

"I'll leave you $20 on the side downstairs when I go. Make it last for the four days because you're not getting any more." she huffs out. "Also If I come back and this place is a mess, you'll be in big trouble, understand?" she snarls at me, as she moves her face closer to mine.

"I understand." I squeak out while nodding my head a bit. 

"Good." she says while standing up straight and going over to my door. "You can make yourself something to eat, then stay in here and don't make too much noise." she says in a commanding tone. She turns back to face me for an answer to which I nod at her. With that she leaves slamming my door behind her.

When I hear that she has gone back downstairs, I move off of my bed standing up. I feel a jab of pain go through my arm when I leant on it. I move my sleeve up looking at where she was shaking me and there's a hand print wrapping around my upper arm. I touch it and another lot of pain shoots through me. It's probably gonna leave a bruise, I'll check it in the morning.

I walk over to my desk, picking up my bag with my right arm and placing it down on the desk. I open it and start to unpack everything being careful of my left arm. When I'm done I zip the bag up and put it away.

I look over at the clock and see that it's 4:20pm, I must of been asleep for just over an hour. I remember Richie said he was going to call me after he had tea. So I open my door and go downstairs to the kitchen to quickly make some food so I don't miss the call.

After I've finished making it I grab a bottle of water and go back upstairs to my room closing the door behind me. I place the food and water down on my desk and grab a comic to flip through while I eat.

When I'm done I move my plate to the side deciding to leave it to wash up tomorrow when my mum is gone. I go back to reading my comic when my phone starts ringing. I immediately pick it up and hold it to my ear.

"Hey Rich!" I happily say down the phone, knowing it's him.

"Hey Eds!" Richie says in the same happy tone. "Have you had your tea?" he asks me.

"I actually just finished it, so that was perfect timing." I say with a chuckle at the end. "I'm assuming you've had yours?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah, I had it about 15 mins ago, I didn't call straight away because I didn't want to interrupt you if you were still eating." he explains to me. "So anything new happened?" 

"Actually yeah, my mum said she is going out of town and won't be back until late afternoon Thursday." I inform him.

"Oh, so what's happening with you?" he curiously asks me.

"She's going to leave me here by myself, but don't worry she is leaving money for food." I say trying to make it sound not so bad.

"Oh, well do you want me to stay with you until she gets back so you're not alone?" he asks with concern lacing his voice.

"If you want and if your mum will let you then, yeah, sounds great." I say in a cheerier tone.

"Of course I want to and I'm sure my mum won't mind, she loves you." he says happily, which makes a smile break out on my face.

"Thanks Richie, I really appreciate it. I don't really like being on my own." I sincerely say. "But we can't tell my mum I know she wouldn't allow it." I quietly tell him, scared my mum might hear me.

"I know you don't and don't worry, I'll make it seem like I was never there." he reassures me.

"Thanks again, so do you wanna talk for a bit?" I ask knowing that he'll say yes.

"Always." he says dragging out the word and laughing at the end which makes me laugh.

We end up talking for hours, I look over at the clock and see it says 8:30pm. 

"Oh I have to go, it's getting late. But as always I've had fun talking to you Rich." I say hoping that we end the call before my mum comes up the stairs to bed.

"Alright. I've enjoyed talking to you too Eds. I'll call you tomorrow about 10am?" he questions.

"Yeah sounds good, I'll be up by then and hopefully my mum would have already left."

"Okay then. I'll let you go and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Eds." 

"Bye Richie." I say with a smile before I hang up the phone.

I get up and turn my lamp on so I can turn the main light off. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get myself ready for bed. When I'm done I go back to my room and get changed into my PJ's.

I lie down in bed getting myself comfy under the covers before turning the lamp off. I look at my clock and see it says 8:55pm. Mum will be up in five minutes. She doesn't like me staying up after she's gone to bed, so thankfully I looked at the clock before it got too late.

When it turns 9pm I hear my mum coming up the stairs and going to her room. I hear the door close and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I start thinking about tomorrow and how Richie is going to be staying with me while my mum's away. I fall asleep with a smile on my face and I can't wait until tomorrow. 

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