Chapter 18

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Eddie's POV

We're about 30 mins from New Hampshire now. I'm so nervous, I don't know what this is about but I know it has something to do with my mum. I'm glad I have Richie with me, so I'm not doing all of this alone.

Time Skip 30 mins

We're driving up the road to where the police station is, I'm getting really nervous now. What if something really bad happened to her, I don't know how I feel about it. I mean she's always been horrible to me, but she's still my mother. 

"Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time." Richie says in a gentle voice, knocking me out of my trance. I look out the window and notice that Maggie has already parked the car and is standing on the other side of her door waiting for us.

I look over at Richie who gives me a small smile and gently squeezes my hand. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nod my head at him. We get out of the car and make our way to the entrance of the building.

Maggie locks the car and leads us in and to the front desk. There's a man typing something on his computer at the desk.

"Hello, I have Eddie Kaspbrak with me he was told to come here as soon as." Maggie said to the man behind the desk.

"Great, I will inform one of our officers and have him explain why we need him here. Can I get your name?" he says looking up from his computer when he finished talking.

"Maggie Tozier."

"And how do you know Eddie?"

"He's my sons best friend." she says gesturing to Richie.

"Richie, right?" he says looking over at Richie. Richie nods in response. "You're the one I talked to on the phone."

"Yes that was me." Richie says with a grin at the end.

"Yeah." he half laughs out with a smile. "An officer will be here shortly, you're welcome to sit on the chairs behind you." he says gesturing to the chairs behind us.

We thank him and make our way over to the chairs sitting down with Richie in the middle. A couple minutes later a policeman is heading over in our direction.

"Eddie Kaspbrak?" he asks standing in front of us.

"Yes that's me." I say slightly lifting my hand up.

"Great, can you follow me so I can tell you why you're here. All of you." he says with a smile before turning back to where he came from and starting in a direction.

We all get up and follow closely behind, he leads us into a room and shuts the door behind us. There's a table in the middle of the room with three chairs on one side and one on the other.

We all sit on the side with the three while the policeman sits on the other side. he puts his hands on the table and looks at me.

"When was the last time you spoke to your mother?" he asks with a gentle voice.

"On Monday when she left." I say in an unsteady voice.

"Okay well, yesterday she was crossing the street and she must not of seen it coming. But a van hit her, knocking her down." 

"Is she okay?" I ask, my voice starting to wobble.

"Unfortunately no. Someone rang an ambulance but it didn't make it in time and she passed away." I look down briefly, I don't know how to feel about this. "We need you to identify the body."

"O-okay." I say looking back up at him. I feel Richie's hand on my shoulder. I look at him, he's looking back at me and has got a sympathetic look on his face. "Now?" I ask turning back to the man.

"If you can." I nod my head signifying that I can do it now. "Do you want to go alone or you can bring your friend?" he asks standing up but still looking at me.

"Can Richie come with me?" I ask turning to Richie hoping that he'll say yes.

"Of course I will." he says with a small smile. I nod my head at him then stand up with Richie following me.

The policeman leads us out of the room, he tells Maggie that she can wait in reception. He leads us down a few corridors before we stop at a door with the name 'Morgue' on it.

He opens the door and ushers us in closing it behind us. There's another man in here wearing what looks like a doctors outfit. 

We go up to him and there in front of us is a post mortem trolley with a sheet covering what seems to be a body. He looks at us expectantly, so I nod my head at him indicating that I'm ready.

He pulls the white sheet up revealing a head, I look at it fully and realise it's my mums. I nod my head and the man puts the sheet back down covering it. I turn to Richie and bury my face in his neck as he wraps his arms around me while I try and get rid of that picture that's burning into my head. 

Time skip to Reception

Were back in reception with Maggie, I told the policeman that it is my mum and now he's talking to Maggie about something. All I can think of is what I saw in that room and realising that my mum is dead.

Richie's got an arm around me and is trying to comfort me as best as he can. After a few minutes Maggie comes back over to us and leads us out of the police station and back to her car, she gets in the front while me and Richie get in the back.

I don't know how I should feel right now. I mean normally when a kid gets told his mum is dead they'd feel sad and cry, but I don't really feel anything. She was never much of a mother to me, but still.

I feel Richie put his hand back on my shoulder, I look over at him and he gives me a small smile. I turn my head to face back out the window. 

I don't know what I'm feeling.

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