Chapter 9

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I had been back at Callander Hall for 6 months and things with Jack were going amazingly. I was still missing Ida dearly and I often cried to Jack before bed and he always comforted me. Oh how Ida would've loved him. I had been writing to Frieda too, she was happy for me and Jack and said she would visit. Strangely, for once in my life, trouble hadn't followed me. It seemed to have given me a break. 

Today was the day of Gideon and Agnes' wedding. It was so exciting. We would get to Sheila again too. Gid and Agnes would follow in the footsteps of Harriet and Mathias and would be getting married in the hospital chapel. Everyone would be coming again. It would be great to meet up with the foundlings again, I had missed them so much. I had written to them all to tell them of Ida and they had all sent their love. 

Me and Lizzie were to be bridesmaids, and Mr Callander was to walk Agnes down the isle as her own father was away. It was going to be such a joyous day, and nothing could ruin it. 

We arrived at the Chapel and we walked down the isle with Agnes. Gideon looked so handsome and Agnes looked beautiful. As we walked down the isle I spotted Peg and Jem, our borrowed family. I had no clue that they would be here. A smile appeared on my face as I looked at Gid and nodded. When we got to the end I saw Jack and my eyes twinkled. I sat down next to Jack and we looked at each other both thinking the same thing. Imagining when this would our day. I didn't want it to happen yet, but soon. Even though it's always been my dream to be a writer, I can still do that when I am married. The ceremony itself was amazing. I cried during it. Usually I would be brave but I think Ida's death and Jack had brought about my mushy side. 

We all then went out onto the lawn and hung out catching up. It was amazing seeing Sheila and Harriet again. Although Sheila could be a pest, we had become best friends while working together. I missed not seeing her everyday. I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and I was wisked up into a hug by Jem. 'I've missed you so Hetty, why didn't you write' He asked sadly 'I'm sorry Jem. I wanted to, but ive been going through some stuff. I will explain I promise but not today, its a happy day and I don't want to lower the mood by my troubles' He understood. We stood talking for abit when Jack came over obviously jelous, putting his arm around me. 'Who is this?' he asked. 'Jack, this is my borrowed brother Jem' 'Just your borrowed brother' Jem said sounding hurt 'One day you swore that we would be married and live together' Jack seethed at this remark 'Oh Jem that was child's play. I was young, not even 5 and you showed me love for the first time in my life. Of course I thought that. That is the thought that got me through my days in the hospital but not anymore Jem. This is Jack. My sweetheart' Jem looked sad. I grabed his arm and pulled him away, looking back at Jack pleading him to stay there. 'Look I wanted to write and I know I said i'd wait but I owe you an explanation. Ida, my mother, she died about a year ago now, and its been hard, but Jack has really helped thats why I never wrote. I'm sorry.' I said sadly 'Oh Hetty don't fret. I understand. Although I am upset that you didn't keep your word' he laughed. 'Now get back to your sweetheart. I'm not the only one you own an explanation to' I smiled and went to find Jack.

On my way to find Jack Mr Cranbourne pulled me over 'Hetty, Ive been meaning to apologise for how things went down with Ida. How is she? I heard you had gone to the coast to be with her' I looked for a moment. 'Oh sir, she died last year of consumption' I said teary but pushing them back 'Oh Hetty dear im so sorry' 'If you don't mind sir, I need to find Jack' I said and walked away. Mr Cranbourne putting his hand on my shoulder.

But it was too late. I couldn't find him. I went and sat on a bench. Maybe he had gone back to Callander Hall I hoped. I sat and watched everyone having fun. Someone came and sat next to me. Vince.  I thought that this couldn't be good. 'Look instead of moping why not go back to the house. Hes probably there' Vince sighed 'I see how he looks at you and you look at him you know. Hes the one for you. Maybe it could've been us, maybe we could've had something but I would never have made you happy. Jack does. Now go find him' I laughed and thanked him, went to find Gid to tell him I was going back. He laughed at me. Trouble truly did seem to follow me everywhere. 

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