Chapter 31

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This sickness continued for a few weeks and then one day, Agnes pulled me to one side and said the I had gained weight, she wasn't trying to be mean but she was worried becuase I had been being sick and eating less but gaining weight. I had noticed this too as my dress was getting tight. I decided I should speak to Mr Callander.
I went up to his office and knocked on the door and he let me in.
'Sorry to disturb you Mr Callander, Sir, but I need to ask you for an advance on my wages please. I don't mean to be rude sir but I really need it.' I said going red and looking at the floor. 'what do you need this for Hetty? You have all you need here' He responded confused. 'I need to see a doctor Sir and I can't afford one without my wages' I said going even more red feeling embarrassed. 'Are you sick Hetty? What's wrong?' he said concerned. 'Well for a few weeks now I've been waking up feeling very sick and being sick and not eating much but I've been gaining alot of weight and my dress is now tight and it's worrying me' I said starting to cry. I had always been thin and sickly looking and now I was bloating like a house. 'there there Hetty. Don't fret, I will get you a doctor, I'm sure you are okay. I shall call for one now. You must go to your rooms or wait in the kitchen until he arrives. I don't want you working until then' he said. 'thank you Mr Callander Sir, you are very kind' I said as I left the room. I went down to the kitchen and sat down waiting.

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