Chapter 19

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TIME JUMP 6 MONTHS (This is the 5 years later part from series 3 episode 8 that the boys arranged)

The next two days were going to be huge. Today we would be meeting up with everyone from the hospital, and telling them about the wedding.
We all arrived there together, Jack and Agnes came with us.


'Hi guys' I said running over to join them pulling Jack behind me causing everyone to laugh. 'Harriet! Sheila!' I shouted hugging them 'I missed you guys so much. Elizabeth! How is your position as a nurserymaid?' I asked 'it's amazing, the kids are great' we went round hugging everyone. Vince winked and gave me a knowing smile,  reminding me of the time he made me go after Jack. Its because of him that we are getting married. We were all sat down on a blanket enjoying. A lovely picnic that Sheila had prepared for us. Me, Harriet, Elizabeth, Agnes and Sheila had been gossiping while the boys were arguing over who was the strongest making us laugh. After we had eaten, I stood up with Jack. 'Guys I need to tell you all something. Me and Jack are getting wed tomorrow and it would be amazing if you could all make it. Also Harriet and Sheila I'd love if you could be bridesmaids.' I announced. Everyone congratulated us. 'Hetty that's amazing news! Of course I'll be bridesmaid' Harriet screamed hugging me 'me too Feather! I'd be honoured. Thank you for thinking of me unlike 2 people I kmow' Sheila said joining the hug as everyone laughed. We gave everyone the information and everyone left ready to get ready for tomorrow.
When we got back, Freida arrived. She would be staying in town. I ran up to her and gave her a hug 'I missed you so much Freida' I said crying. 'I missed you too little Emerald. I've been keeping Ida's grave looking nice. You should come visit sometime.' she said. More tears fell when she spoke about Ida 'oh I'm so sorry Emerald. Did I say something wrong?' Frieda said worried. 'no Freida. It's just.. I wish Ida could be there tomorrow. I miss her so much' I said and Frieda pulled me into her and I cried just as everyone walked in. Everyone seemed confused by this scene and the size of Frieda. Everyone other than Jack who ran over to make sure I was okay. When I stopped crying I explained to everyone about Freida and missing Ida. After we had caught up, Frieda left for her room and we all went to bed. Jack gave me a kiss goodnight. 'I can't believe tomorrow you will be my wife' Jack said which was followed by a round of 'Ahs'

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