Chapter 1- My Past Will Always Haunt Me

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Giyuu POV
It's a cold night, I looked to my side and
saw Y/N and Tsutako..
Then I suddenly heard..

*Growl *

"Nee-san~ Nee-san~" I woke up Tsutako
"Giyuu..? Why-"

"Y/N, where is she..?"

I pointed at my side and slowly woke her up
"Hmm..?" she tilted her head in confusion and looked at me and Tsutako

Afterwards, there was silence then something lunged at Tsutako that made her scream..
"Nee-san!?" I shouted
Then I saw red eyes shining at the moonlight it had blood everywhere its mouth and I looked to Tsutako...

"G-Go.... GO!!" She commanded

I carried Y/N and ran as fast as i could

Those red eyes....i hate it...
It's face disgusts me.. Irritates me.. I hate everything about it!. It's disgusting to look at and has a foul scent... The scent of blood.... I HATE IT!!!
Nee-san... You're covered in blood..
A big bite on your neck....
That thing...


It killed her!!!!

Then, Giyuu carried me and took us outside..

The demon followed us, with a big disgusting smile on its face..
He kept on growling

"Stand behind my back" Giyuu whispered
And I obeyed..
I looked it in the eyes, full of anger..
And looked at its hand...

He was holding something...

Looks like a head....

A head...

The head of my sister....

My heart is filled with anguish...
A tear left my eye...


I hate this feeling

I hate this feeling of despair....

I saw my sister's head....
In it's disgusting hand..
Crushing it to pieces....

I stood there behind My brother's back
Full of fear...

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