Chapter 15- Nii-chan..

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I arrived at the Tomioka Residence...

It's midnight....
Good, no one's awake..

I'm not tired yet...
I'll go up the roof..

I jumped up silently and sat down looking up at the stars...

A milky-way..

It's beautiful , Nee-san and I used to do this every night.....

I wonder... Where is she..? How is she?

Then I suddenly felt someone beside me

"Nii-chan, You're still awake.. " I said and looked to my side
"Yes... Yes I am, my darling" he smiled & looked at me..

I widened my eyes when I saw his red eyes, fangs....
The number 4 on both of his eyes
Upper Demon Moon 4....

I touched his skin...

It's cold...

"Calling him by his name now... Your brave but I don't think Tsutako raised you well" he said while grabbing my collar and changing into his real form


"How the hell do you know her?!?!"
"Hehe, It's simple... I ordered one of my clones to do that but sadly it failed me"

My eyes flamed with anger

I unsheated my sword and tried to cut his neck

"Oopsies... Too slow.. Slow... Slower "
"Aww is my darli-"

I cut his arm off...
Only his arm...
I missed his neck!!

"Heh, Let me teach you respect Y/N" he smirked
"Try me!"
"I will! I'll erase the Tomioka name from the corps!"
"I like to see you try" I said angrily

"Breath of Aqua: 5th From: Graceful Dance of the Sea Serpent!"
I swing my sword to his direction but he kept dodging it..
This Form takes all of my energy!
Then... I cut his body in half
"How dull...." he said bluntly
"Breath of Aqua: 2nd From: Tsunami's Cry of Anguish!!"

I missed....

Then I felt him right behind me..
I tried to turn to his direction but...



My blood....

He hit me ....

That did hurt...

I'll have to use a Form that doesn't take much energy...


Doesn't have much force....

"Breath of Aqua: 6th Form: Ice Cold Mist!"

It hit him!!

Now, He should be freezing...

"Breath Of Aqua: 7th Form: The Soft Song Of Water!!!"

I sliced his neck....

"I'll remove your name off the 12 Kizuki"
I looked at him and smiled evily

He turned into ashes...
Ashes... Are the only things you turn into..

What a shame

I got in the house and rushed to his room...
I opened the door loudly


My voice was shaking at what I saw...

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