Chapter 17- Despair And Anger

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I.... I dont want to be here...
I feel dizzy....
I need some fresh air...

I left the room and went to the balcony..

My heart wanted to scream and cry so loud...
It hurts...
Again, I felt Despair and Anger....
What should I do now..?

Giyuu POV
I hear screaming... Shouting...
All sounds lead to sadness...


It stopped....

I opened my eyes and saw...
A beautiful field with flowers and a lake nearby, beautiful cherry blossoms and...

A woman was sitting near one of the cherry blossoms...
She came nearer to me....

"Nee-san...? Nee-san~!"
"Giyuu....Why are you here? It's not your time yet... Where's Y/N..?"
"I don't know... I woke up here... It's beautiful..."
"You can't die now!"
"EH?!? Nee-san" I tried go near her
"Please stay there... If you come here..
Your dead..."
"But, I wanna be with you"
"What about Y/N..?... Didn't you think about her?"
"I.... I thought she was here"
"She isn't...Giyuu...."
"I can join you right? She's strong enough to take my place.."
"No... She isn't... Y/N is still weak...
She's afraid of every demon yet she acts brave.. Even when she's training using the form she made, Y/N is scared to use the Aqua Breath Style..."

Then suddenly a peach haired boy came with a small black haired girl

"Sabito..? And...... Makomo..? "
"Giyuu-San... Please go back, Y/N-San needs you.... "
The little girl said and pushed me away

"Giyuu!! Wake up!!"
I heard... Shinobu's voice...
She was crying....
"Sh-Shi-Shino-Shinobu..?" I slowly opened my eyes
"Giyuu!" she smiled and hugged me gently
"Y/N..... Where is she? "
"She went-... Wait.... She has a big wound! Aoi get her, please"

Aoi was about to open the door when Muichiro came carrying Y/N

I was crying silently at the balcony..
When suddenly I felt someone beside me gently patting my head
I looked to see who that was and saw
"I told you before, call me Mui or Muichiro" he smiled
"Why are you crying..? Did something happen?" he added
"Y-Yeah..." I turned to face him
He's eyes widen when he saw the big slash in my body
"What..?" I tilted my head
Then suddenly he carried me.. Bridal style
And took me to the room where Giyuu was
"You have a big- oh hello"
"Tokito-San? Uhmm... Can you take
Y/N-San to that bed" Aoi said

I looked over to Giyuu's bed and saw him awake...

He's alive...
I'm glad

Muichiro laid me down on the bed next to Giyuu and he sat down near it..

Aoi came to us with stitches and bandages in her hands..

"This is gonna hurt but it'll help you... Tokito-san... Er... Please go somewhere else for a moment"


"Hey, how are you..?" Giyuu looked to his side and saw me
"I'm.. Fine... You?"
"I'm good... The demon where is it?"
"Don't worry... I killed him..."
"Good to hear..."
"Heh, I was scared to kill him though"

Giyuu looked at me surprised

"Hey, I'm still afraid of demons you know, that's why I want you to be with me, But, I'm more afraid of my own breath style..." I said bluntly

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