Chapter 4- Makomo

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Wh-Who was that..?
I looked to my side and saw..
A girl with black hair and cyan eyes..
Gentle Cyan eyes..
She had a mask at the side of her head

"Hi, I'm Makomo" she said with a smile
"I-I'm, Y/N.... Nice meeting you Makomo-san" I bowed
"Please dont do that and just call me Makomo for short" she said softly
"I... Uhm... Okay"
"Here, sit"
"Are you okay.? I saw you training and you looked upset about something"
She had a worried expression on her face
"Yeah... It's just that whenever I swing my sword.... I hear a lullaby... My sister's to be exact"
"Hmm... I see.... But one Form, didn't sing a lullaby"
I looked at her
"I heard it too... It sounded like she was protecting someone"
Makomo added
"She was indeed, she sacrificed herself for us" I said and looked down
"Ah.... Hey, I'll help you control it" she said and smiled
I nodded

Then Sabito came running
"Y/N, get inside.. Oh uhmm who were you talking to..?"
"I was talking to -" I looked to my side and saw no one
I saw his expression... He looked very confused
"I-I was talking to myself.."
"Okay... Come on, let's go back" he said and pointed to the house..


Sabito and Giyuu already left since they're done eating...
While I'm still sat near the table..
"Urokodaki-San.. What is it?"
"I just wanted you to have this"
He said and gave me half of a red yukata with a pink and white flower dot pattern... Seems familiar
"It was once worn by my student, Makomo was her name.. Sadly she didn't return.." he added..

She's dead?..
It makes sense now... No wonder this was familiar

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