Chapter 19- Weak

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We arrived back at the headquarters..
There was a Pillar meeting..
I was invited even though I'm not a pillar

Oyakata-Sama isn't here yet..

I stood beside my brother

"Oh look, the Tomioka siblings! Psst..!
Psst..! Tsuguko" Sanemi said
I looked at him annoyed
"Hey Hey Hey! Look the pussy cat is mad! Hahaha!"

I was about to talk back but Giyuu held my hand and looked at me..
Signaling to stop..

"How sweet~! Holding each other's hand~~!! You piss me off!"
"Shinazugawa-san, that's enough" Shinobu stood up

"What're you even gonna do?!?" Sanemi said and grabbed Shinobu by her collar..
"They're not worthy here..! A sad, dramatic boy and a dumb, useless girl"
He added..

I've had enough of him...
Insulting me and my brother every time we come across him..
I despise him..

I took Giyuu's hand off of mine and walked to Sanemi

"Hey Hey! Your coming closer now?"
"Yeah.. To kick your dumbass" I said angrily and took his hand, tightening my grip, in order for him to let go of Shinobu
"Hey! It hurts!"
I smiled evily at his words and after that, I walked back to where Giyuu was..

Then Tanjiro came asleep ...
He was being carried by a Kakushi

"Hey.. HEY! Wake up" the kakushi said
He slowly opened his eyes
"Where am - ?Who are - "
"Shh! Your in the presence of the Hashiras! And a Tsuguko !"

Tanjiro looked around then, he looked at me and Giyuu with a shocked expression..
I looked at him with a blank face

"Now, he's the boy with the demon? I expected a more flamboyant one! What I mean is max flamboyance not a very wounded and dull looking one"

"So he's the boy?! Are we gonna execute him or what ?" Obanai asked

"We must! Defending a demon is against the rules!" Rengoku said

"EH?!? You're gonna kill such an adorable child? What a shame!"

"I'm more interested in this boy's reason on why He's carrying a demon with him"

"We need no explanation, carrying it with him is against the rules!"

"What's your reason?" Shinobu asked completely ignoring Rengoku's words

"She- She *cough* She is my younger *cough*"
"Slow down, your jaw is damaged"
"She's my younger sister!"
"How are we gonna execute this one?" Uzui asked
"EH?! Shouldn't we atleast wait until Oyakata-Sama arrives?" Mitsuri said

"My sister and I will fight together against the demons! I swear!"
"Well, Well, I see your having fun there, isn't that the moron with the demon with Him?" he said while carrying a box

"Shinazugawa-san.. Please don't act of line" Shinobu said

This is about to get interesting...

"A total delusion, you moron!" Sanemi quickly took his sword out and put it in the box...
Hurting Nezuko..

Tanjiro quickly ran to him and dodged Sanemi's sword, and attacked him causing Sanemi to fall to the ground with his nose bleeding..

That was quite interesting and fun to look at..

Seems like a fight is about to begin

"Stop it! Oyakata-Sama is arriving!" Mitsuri said

She was right, Oyakata-Sama arrived and we bowed down..
Including Sanemi, smashing Tanjiro's face on the ground..

"The letter" Oyakata-Sama said


"It is not yet proven that she will hurt humans"
"Oyakata-Sama, I'll show you this demon is the same with the other demons!"
Sanemi took his sword out and cut his arm placing blood stains all over the box..

"Shinazugawa, doing it here isn't going to work, place it under the shadows.. It will show its face" Obanai requested

Sanemi obeyed and ran in the shelter where Oyakata-Sama was standing..

"Stop it!" Tanjiro said and tried to stand up but Obanai placed his arm on Tanjiro's back giving him more weight..

Then, Sanemi opened the box with his hand placing some more blood in its opening...

Nezuko finally came out, looking at Sanemi angrily..

" What's the matter? Come on...its the blood you love so much!"

"Iguro-San, please ease up a little" Shinobu told Obanai

"I won't be placing much effort if he's not trying to move out of my grip"

"Kamado-kun, if you use any breathing techniques while your lungs are being squeezed, your veins will burst"

"His veins burst? I like the sound of that! Sounds flamboyant!"

Shinobu already told Tanjiro what will happen yet, he didn't listen..
Let's see what will happen to him..


Tanjiro tore the ropes apart, and Giyuu took Obanai's hand off of Tanjiro..
Then, he quickly ran to Nezuko...

"Nezuko!" tanjiro shouted

Then, Nezuko turned away in disgust..

"It is now proven... But if she harms any human Kamado Tanjiro, Urokodaki Sakonji & Tomioka Giyuu.. Will commit Seppuku" Oyakata-Sama said

"W-What about me? I should commit Seppuku too, right..?"
"Yeah she does" Sanemi agreed

I looked over to Giyuu and saw his angry face...

"Y/N, never bothered the demon"
"Unacceptable! She should join her -"
"Shut up!!" Giyuu yelled

Everyone was surprised seeing how mad Giyuu was..

"Now, calm down... Be quiet, this meeting has ended... You may go, Shinobu, please take care of the Kamado siblings" Oyakata-Sama said and left

"Let's go..."

Giyuu took my hand and we left..
We went somewhere quiet and private..
A field with flowers..

"Nii-chan are you okay..?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to leave...its disgusting to look at Sanemi..."
"Mm... You may have a point but...
I think it's fair for me to do so "
"I... I.. I dont think that's fair.. "
" You seem angry... Here lay down"
I sat down and patted my lap
"Okay then..."
He lay down and slowly drifted to sleep..

"I'll make sure you won't have to make that sacrifice, Nii-chan..."

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