Chapter 9- 6 Years Later

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My brother is now a hashira...
And I'm at Kinoe level...
The both of us are always together, even Oyakata-Sama approved of it..

His missions are always linked to mine.

"Caw! CAW! Northeast! Northeast!"
Our crows announced

And after that, we ran to Northeast

"Nii-chan, I hope you can catch up"
I said and disappeared in a blink of an eye

We arrived, I jumped up on a tree branch, observing the area..

Hmm... A family.. Dead...
Then a boy came... He had red hair..
And wore Hanafuda earrings..
He knelt down in despair..

What a pity

Hmm..? He's taking A girl with him..

I followed them..

The girl... She's alive..?!?
She was dead a minute ago and now she's alive... As a demon

Let's wait until this gets interesting..

Ahh Nii-chan joined the party as well..

Seems like a fight is happening..

What?!? He... He.... HE didn't kill it..?

I jumped down from the tree and took the collar of the boy and pinned him to a nearby tree

"Why didn't you kill it when you had the chance? You have an axe with you! Dammit!" I said with anger in my eyes
"I-I.... She's my sister I cant kill her"
"She's not your -"
"Y/N, put him down" Giyuu cut me off

I obeyed and glared at him..
I walked back to Giyuu and after that we left

While on the way home, he asked me
"You got there first, right..? Why didnt you stop them"
"I just wanted to share the mission, but since you let her go then there was no mission in the first place"
"He'll go to Urokodaki-San, right?" I added
Giyuu nodded

Then, there was silence..
We were silent as we walked holding-hands while the sun sets

We arrived back at the Tomioka Residence

"I'll make dinner, go take a bath" I said

I just made some ramen for the two of us


I sat on my bed, still thinking about the red-haired boy...

His eyes was full of fear yet still warm..

But those earrings..
Hanafuda earrings....

I heard a rumor that someone long ago had those earrings....

Tsk, I'm thinking about this alot..
I'll just go to Urokodaki-San tomorrow

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