Chapter 13- Permission

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The Final Selection will happen during this week...
I can't help but think about that demon and what will it do to Tanjirou...
I have to be there...
I need to prevent that demon from hurting Tanjirou...

Wait, No....He needs to do it alone..
But what if he needs help..?

... I'll ask Oyakata-Sama..

"Nii-chan! I'm going to Oyakata-Sama.. I'll be back!"
"Sure" he replied

I arrived at the headquarters and went inside his mansion

" *Knock* Oyakata-Sama.. May I please have a word" I said and slightly opened the door
"Sure.. Y/N, what is it..?please come in and have a seat"
"Thank you" I said and sat across from him..

"Oyakata-Sama... Er.. I know that.. This is very ridiculous but... C-can I participate.. In the Final Selection?" I said shyly
"Hmm..What is your reason..?"
"It's just... Uhmm.... My acquaintance, Kamado-San.. Is going... And there's a demon there that killed a slayer... That slayer is very talented and strong... I'm just afraid that.. Maybe he'll be next.."
"Ahh... Kanata"
"Is it possible to do that..?"
"As long as she doesn't interfere with the other slayers and only focuses on one and isn't seen... Then maybe it'll be possible" She replied
"Ah... Y/N, will you be able to promise that..?"
"Good... I'll be sending a crow to watch you.. Kanata, when will the selection happen..?"
"This Thursday"

I only have 2 days to get there first...

"Y/N... Please be there late"
"The slayers will enter the forest after their introduction" He said while pointing to Kanata
"I want you to enter the forest after they got in, so that no one will notice you" he added

I nodded

"It's settled then... Do you have any more questions..?"
"N-no sir.."
"OK then, You may go now"
"Y-Yes... Thank you"

I left the mansion and got back at the Tomioka Residence
Seems like I have to be silent and more quick during the selection...

Giyuu should know about this..

"Nii-chan! Where are you?"
"Over here" he said and raised his hand a little
"Im going to the Selection this Thursday"
"But you already.. Did that... Like 6 years ago"
"Er.. It's important!.... Kamado-san.. I need to uhmm..."
"Protect him from the demon?"
I nodded
" *sigh* Fine I'll give you my permission"
"I'll come too"
"Your my Tsuguko after all"
"Then that'll cause even more trouble" I said bluntly
"You do have a point there... Just come back, okay?"

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