Chapter 23- Endless Dream

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I woke up early the next day and quickly got ready.
I wore my haori and took my sword...
Then, I went to the station..

I was the first one there..
Nobody else..
It was silent...
Nothing was suspicious.

Hm.. It must be on the train..
I bought two tickets for me and Rengoku..
After I sat back down..

The ticket was odd..
I saw the other tickets, most of them were designed similar but this one is different..
It didn't have any design or markings..

This might be a part of the demon..

While I was waiting, I felt a tap on my shoulder

"Your early, Y/N-San.."
"Rengoku-Sama, you're here.. I was getting worried that maybe you weren't coming"
"Of course I'll come.."
", I already bought tickets for both of us.." I said and gave him the ticket
"Really? Thank you!"
"Er... Uhm... Rengoku-Sama, have you heard the news..? About the.. People on the train?"
"Yep! They went missing and some of our slayers also went silent.. So that's why we're here.. Me as a hashira and you as a slayer"
"Oh.... Er... Uhmm... The train.. It's here"
I said

Gosh, this is so awkward!

We went inside the train and sat on the bench..

"Y/N-San, you've been looking at the tickets weirdly, is something wrong..?"
"Oh.. Uhmm, it's just that.. These tickets are odd, the other ones that I saw were similar in design and shape while, these are different from them.."
"Maybe it's a special one.."
"I.. Hm... I dont know, maybe this is part of the demon.."
"You may have a point.."

Then I heard his stomach grumbling..

"Oh, your hungry..?"
"Ah.. It's just that.. I didn't eat" he said nervously
"Im gonna buy some for you, please excuse me"
I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand and said
"Here, have some yen"
"Sorry, I'm not int- Im mean, I have some extra yen, so it's okay.."
"Oh okay.."


"Rengoku-Sama, I bought you some ramen, is that OK?"

I gave Rengoku the ramen and he ate already half of it..

He must've been starving

"Its delicious!" he said

I looked at his back and saw Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke

"Tanjiro, nice seeing you here" I said and gave a slight smile

He waved back and sat beside me while the other 2 sat beside Rengoku

"Y/N, they're checking our tickets"
Tanjiro told me
I just nodded and took out my ticket

Then, a man came to check our ticket..
We gave it to him and afterwards he gave it back..

After some time, we became sleepy and all of us slowly drifted to sleep...


It was a bright spring day, everything was colorful and green, my surroundings were filled with lovely flowers..

Where am I..?

"Y/N..! Let's make a flower crown!" Tsutako said while running to me
"Y/N, you've grown alot taller and your clothes are a bit weird.. Where's your Kimono..?"
"Uhm... Er.. I.. I dont.. I dont really know.."

What's happening? Is this a dream..?

"You have a katana with you.. Y/N, you shouldn't play with that"
"I-I'm.. I'm sorry.. I..I have to go.." I said trying not to cry..

I ran away from her and I saw...

The person I wanted to see, touch, and hear...

The person who I loved and cared for the most..


Tears kept falling from my eyes..

"Y/N! How are--Woah! Cool sword!"
"I... I.. I have to..i have to go. Sorry"

I ran again..

Then, I arrived somewhere that's cold..
And dark..
A snowy night..

The scent of blood is the only thing i can smell..

I ran to where it was and saw..
My sister laying down, lifeless on the ground..

This is the night when she died...

I ran away again..
And I walked inside a forest..

I looked to see what was happening and saw Sabito being torn apart..

I ran away again, with tears falling from my eyes..
I arrived somewhere that was bright and sunny and warm..

There was a boy standing there...
A red-haired one..

"Y/N! Wonderf-"

Then I suddenly woke up


I woke up..
I saw no one, I looked to my side and Tanjiro wasn't there..

Swords that were clashing was all I can hear..

The fight has started...

I was about to stand up, when I felt a rope..

"What a pity, someone used you.. Worthless" I said then cut the rope..

He woke up and was shocked
I looked at him angrily

"W-What did you do!!? I was so close to having a sweet dream!! I want sweet dreams too?!?!"
"Sweet dreams doesn't stay like that when you know the truth! Dumbass! " I said then ran..
Rengoku was all alone..
Fighting many hands..
Of the demon?!?

I quickly went there..

"Breath of Aqua: 5th Form: Graceful Dance of the Sea Serpent!"

I kept swinging my sword in every direction in order to slay the demon's hands
But they kept on regenerating..

These are clones..

"I'm late, my apologies... Wait, Where's Kamado and Hashibira ?!?"
"They're at the very end of the train! We thought the demon's neck is there!"
"Wheres Nezuko and Zenitsu ?!?"
"Oh the demon and blonde boy? They're over there!Fighting with the other parts of the demon! "

"Breath of Aqua: 2nd Form : Tsunami's cry of Anguish!"

Then, the train started to fall...

Tanjiro did it...


No one got injured..
The demon is now gone..
But when the train fell off..
The 4 of us are injured..
Tanjiro got the full blow while I didn't get much..
My head is just bleeding and my ankle is broken..

But that didn't matter to us.. We checked around to see if anyone was injured and no one was..

We were about to leave but suddenly ..

He interfered

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