Chapter 5- Control

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I woke up early in the morning like always and looked to my side and saw no one except for the half of Makomo's Yukata....

Sabito and Giyuu... Where are they..?

I rushed outside and saw Giyuu and Sabito leaving...

"Nii-chan ~!" I shouted..
They stopped walking and looked at me
"Nii-chan, Sabito-San where are you going..?"

Both of them looked at each other

"We're go to the Final Selection"
Sabito answered

Final Selection?... What's that?..

"Can I join..?"

And they continued walking..
I ran and hugged giyuu from the back as tight as I can

"Atleast Say Goodbye...." I said sadly
He looked at me
"Promise me that you will come back, the both of you" I looked at the both of them
"Yeah we promise" Sabito said and smiled

And they left..
I went back to the house and ate breakfast that Urokodaki-San kindly made...
After that, I took a sword and went outside and saw Makomo sitting on a rock

"Good Morning.. Are you ready..?"
"OK then"
"Any advice..?"
"Train until it kills you, because really, when you get down to it, there's nothing else you can do" she said and then smiled

"Wonderful! Your in control of it! How delightful! "
Makomo said smiling and clapping her hands
"Thank you for today"
"Your welcome"
"Hey can I ask a question..?"
"Whats the final selection..?"
"The final selection.. Is like an entrance exam for people who want to be a Demon Slayer.. It takes place up at the Fujikasane Mountain" Makomo said with a soft voice..
"Ah... I see... How long.. Does it take?"
" 7 days"
"Your planning to go.?"
"Yep, Think so.. But Sabito and Giyuu - "
"Hmph, Those two... Go on... Just go to the final selection if Urokodaki-San agrees.. Ask him"
She pushed me and left..
I went back to the house and told Urokodaki what I'll do..

He approved..

He then gave me a Cyan Kimono with Clouds as a design similar to his kimono
and of course a sword..
After that I left

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