Chapter 35- Wake Up

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I broke the hug and saw...
His warm smile is now a grin with sharp fangs..
His eyes aren't as warm and kind as they used to be...
His injuries are gone...

"T-Tanjiro... Your joking right? Right?!?!? Your not a demon!"I whispered
I jumped back and held my sword but he was too quick and bit my ear..

I pushed him away and saw Nezuko running towards Tanjiro...
Her eyes... Human eyes...

She hugged him....
" Nezuko! Dont-"
Then Tanjiro, bit her too...
He tasted blood twice already...

What a monster

I took my sword and cut both his arms off and pulled Nezuko away from him..

I sliced his neck....
But he's not yet dead...
He's exposed to the sunlight yet he's still not dead...

This is bullshit..

I kept on swinging my sword, attacking him...
I hope this will distract him from hurting the others

Then, Inosuke and Zenitsu came...
Inosuke took his swords out and attacked him..
While Zenitsu was trying to convince Tanjiro...

Tanjiro somehow hit inosuke and was crushing his skull...
I cut Tanjiro's arm off again...
He looked at me angrily..

Then, I remembered...
Shinobu gave both me and Kanao a special elixir....
It wasn't in my pocket.... I looked to the ground saw it..
It was, broken...
Then I saw Kanao, injecting the elixir in him...

Tanjiro noticed but I kept him from hurting her..
I swung my sword again and kept hitting him so that he won't hit kanao..

Tanjiro POV
My body hurts... Every part of it..
Then, I saw a man right in front of me...
No, not a man... A monster

"Tanjiro, youll be carrying my will, you'll be my descendant, you are now a creature, a perfect one.."
I didn't listen..

"I have to go back home" I said
"Home?! Do you think people would want you back? Don't you know what your doing? You're hurting them..
They won't forgive you.. They'll leave you... But you still have me"
"I'll apologize to them"
"They won't forgive you... And never will"
"That's not for me to decide..."

He's not hurting anyone...
I looked at him with a smile, tears falling out of my eyes and hugged him...
I hugged him even though I know it might kill me

"Wake up... Please... Your sister's waiting for you.... Both of you will go home... Please, let me see your warm eyes, your warm smile... Tell me the 3 words I love to hear... Wake up and I'll accept you as my husband... Tanjiro please..."

Then I suddenly felt hands at my back..
I broke the hug and looked at him..
Kind eyes, warm smile...

" T-Tanjiro... Tanjiro... Your back! "I cried and hugged him tightly
" I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I hurt you.. Forgive me.. " he said
" I'm not mad at you.. Tanjiro... " I broke the hug
" Your sister's waiting for you... " I added

He ran to Nezuko and hugged her..
I walked back to Giyuu and smiled at him
"Y/N, are you OK?"
"Well I have alot of cuts, so yeah I'm ok"
"I'm serious"

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you smile..
I'm ok, Nii-chan... Don't worry... Now smile.. We can go back home... We can see Urokodaki-San..."

He smiled and kissed my forehead

"This fight is over let's rest then we can go home..."

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