Chapter 25- I'm Home, Nii-chan

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All of us arrived back at the Butterfly Estate, safely...
I was carried by Muichiro there, even though it was really awkward...

I recovered first while the others were still in bed...

"Y/N-Sama, you may go back to the Tomioka Residence, your wounds are healed now and your ankle has recovered" Aoi told me
I just nodded in response
"Y/N-Sama, your clothes are right over here" Naho told me and gave me my uniform..
"Your haori is over there" Sumi pointed

I nodded and bowed in response..

I put on the uniform and haori..
I left my room and went outside

"Y/N-Chan, your leaving already..?"
"Yes, Shinobu-Sama.."
"Did Aoi give you the Sword..?"
" *sigh* please wait here, I'll get something.."
Shinobu said then went inside the mansion..

I waited near the entrance while looking at the Butterflies and Flowers..

"Y/N-chan! Here, I have your sword" Shinobu said while running to me
"Here, its made with the same materials that was used to forge your sword.." she added
"Thank you.." I whispered

I took the sword out of its sheath and the Colour was still the same shade of blue in my other sword..
I sheathed my sword and left the estate..

I walked back to the Tomioka Residence..


"Nii-chan, I'm home~... Nii-chan..?"
I looked around the house but Giyuu wasn't home..
Maybe he's not yet done on his mission..

Ill go to the field..

I went to flower field and sat near the tree...
It was windy and bright..
I bowed my head down and slowly drifted to sleep..

Tanjiro POV
I recovered quickly and can now leave the estate..
I walked to the flower field where me and Y/N used to spend our time with one another..

There was a woman there..
She wore a mismatched haori and her hair was tied into a low bun.

I walked over to her...

"Y/N..." I whispered and knelt down right in front of her

She suddenly opened her eyes

"Kamado?!? I.. I mean, Tanjiro.."
"Kamado, again? Haha, I woke you up.. Sorry about that" I said and sat down right next to her
"No it's okay"
"How are you?"
"uhm.. I'm okay.."
"Good to hear, You know, Shinobu-Sama almost got angry at me"
"Hmm.. Why?"
"Cause I didn't protect you like I promised to her"


"What happened to your promise" she smiled evily..

To be honest, when she smiles like that, it's kinda weird to see

"Er.. Uhm... Uh.."
"Good thing, those were only minor Injuries if those were worse, you-"
"I'm dead.."


Yep.. I almost fainted..
Gosh, she looks scary when she's angry..

"Hm.. You were scared, I see... I should've been more careful" she told me
"No it's okay, by the way.. What happened during Upper Moon 3's fight..?"
"Nothing much.. Muichiro came and we fought him and whatever.."
"Can i rest my head on your shoulder? I'm sleepy.."

She rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep..


"Y/N... Psst, wake up"
"Hm..?" she woke up
"I'll take you back to the residence.. It's getting pretty dark"

She just nodded in response..

We walked back to the Tomioka Residence..

"The stars are lovely, aren't they?"
She asked me
"Yeah.. they are"

We arrived back at the Tomioka Residence and I left her there


"Nii-chan... I'm Home"
"Y/N.. Perfect timing here, let's eat"

Thank goodness your safe, Nii-chan..

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