Chapter 26- Red Light District

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I woke up and got ready and left the residence..

I passed the Butterfly Estate and heared screaming

"Uzui-Sama, please let her go... Please"

I looked to see what was happening and saw

Tengen, carrying Kiyo...

"Hey! Cut it out!" I told him
"hmm.. Pretty face, nice body shape, tall.. Seems like I won't need her anymore" he whispered and dropped Kiyo, she was lucky that I catched her on time..

"Now, Tomioka, come with me" he said
"To the red light district.."
"Heh, no way"
"They said there was an upper moon eating people there"
"Augh, fine!"
"I hope you like being in kimonos and having the attention of men.." he mumbled
"Just come with me.."


We arrived at the Red Light District..

"Hey, Tomioka.. Wear this" he said and gave me a cyan kimono..

I wore it and went back to him
He placed some makeup on me..

To be honest, the makeup was awful

"I don't like your idea, but I will do it in return of your respect" I said
"Seems fair enough" he replied

I nodded

"Now, time to sell you"

We walked around the district and quickly found someone that was willing to buy me..

" er.. How much is she?" a woman said
" 30,000 yen.." Tengen replied
"here" the woman said and gave Tengen the money..

I followed her to the house..
Then we got in and she took my makeup off

" Amazing! She's absolutely beautiful!!" an elderly woman said

I bowed in response..

"Yes, she is very beautiful.. She might be able to take my place, as an oiran..Oh by the way, you can call me Ichika-san.. "

I looked up to see who it was and I saw a very pretty woman, she wore a long pink kimono with golden flowers as a design..
Her eyes were purple and her hair was black..

"O-Oiran..?" I asked her
"Oh, it's a name given.. To.. Uhm.. Ladies like me who are popular mostly for their beauty"

What did I get myself into?!?!
To become an oiran?!?
Are you serious?!?
I need to defeat that demon as quickly as possible.!

"Whats your name, dear?" Ichika asked me

I have to lie.... I need to..

"my name is Yui Himari.. Nice to meet you.." I told them
"Wonderful! What a pretty name" the elderly woman said..

This is awful...

"Yui, please come with me" Ichika said

We went to a more private room..
I wonder if she's the demon were looking for..

I got ready and put my hand in the kimono and grabbed the handle of my sword..

She took my hand out from my kimono..

I was shocked at her movement

"Yui, it's okay.. I'm not the demon you and the other slayer are looking for.."

How.... How... How did she know?!?!

"It's quite unique, your a slayer yet your hands are soft and smooth..."
"I-Ichika-san.. How did.. How did you know?"
"I saw you and the other slayer.. You wore a uniform with a skirt right?"
"Okay then... I'll help you.. She's in the Kyogoku house.."
"How are you so sure?"
"I saw her once.."
"I.. I have to get going... Excuse me.." I said and left

She smiled and waved

Tengen.... Where the hell is he ?!?

"Y/N! What're you doing?"
"She's in the Kyogoku house.."
"The oiran told me now where's my uniform and haori?!?"

He gave me the uniform and I changed somewhere private..
After I put on my haori..

???? POV

"Ichika... You told the slayer where I was..!"
"I need to! I can't keep on covering for you!"
"Who are you to talk to me like that?!?"
"And who are you to come to my house without my permission?"
"How dare you talk back!"

I yelled at her and quickly killed her...

"What a tasty snack.... Those two slayers won't have a chance winning against me and my brother"

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