Chapter 21 - Getting To Know You

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I woke up and got out of bed and got ready to go out..

I put on my uniform...
And took my haori and sword..

I left and went to the Butterfly Estate to spend some more time with Tanjiro and the others..

I knocked on the door

"Y/N-San..? Are you here to visit the 3 of them?" Aoi asked
I nodded..
"They're in the training room"
"Ah Thank you.."

I walked around the estate and entered a room where they were training...

I was surprised on how they improved a lot especially Tanjiro...
Then, I sat down and looked at them..


"Amazing.." I said bluntly

The 3 of them looked at me suprised

"I saw your improvement.. It makes... Me..... happy" I added and smiled a little

"Ahh!! Y/N-San~~~!!" Zenitsu came running at me
"Zenitsu ~!" Tanjiro stopped him
"Fight me!"
"Inosuke... You still want to-"
"Heh, don't mind him... So uhmm how are you?" Tanjiro cut me off
"Hey! I talked to her first!" Inosuke said
"Yeah! Your being to clingy with your wife" Zenitsu added
"EH?!? Wife?!?"
"Th-that's nothing..."
"Right... I'll come back when all of you are done.."
"I'm going now... Sayounara" I said coldy and smiled a little, then left...

Heh, They really are close with each other..
I wonder did they ever have a big fight..?

Then I heard screaming..... From the training room...

I rushed over there and slid the doors open.. And saw..

Zenitsu on the ground crying and screaming..

I looked at him coldly..

"Y/N-San ~!"
"Its just you.. I thought I heard you getting murdered by someone..."
I glared at him then left..

Gosh! That was soo awkward..

"Kama-...T-Tanjiro... What is it?"
"You almost called by my last name again"
"Yeah... It's just.. I'm more comfortable with calling you that.."

"Y/ is that?" Someone asked me
"Mui... He's Tanjiro"
"Oh... Your that guy from before.."
"YOU HIT ME WITH A ROCK RIGHT?!?" Tanjiro shouted at him
"It was just a pebble... Now, I'm going to take Y/N, now..."
"Is he.... IS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND?!?" tanjiro asked while pointing at Muichiro
"No..." Muichiro said

Afterwards, Me and Muichiro left

"Tokito-San.. Where are -"
He placed his finger on my lips..
"I told you to call me Mui or Muichiro, right..?" he smiled
"Er... Yeah.. But I'm more comfortable calling you Tokito-san.."
" Hahaha, you should try calling people by there first name..."
"hmm.. Okay..."
"Oh by the way, wanna go around town..?"
"Don't you have any missions today?"

We stopped walking...

"Hmm... Forget about that, I just wanna spend some time with you"
"Mui, there are people dying"
"The others can do that"

He stuck his tongue out, to tease me
"Stop being so serious ~~ let's have some fun together" he said
"What about the people?"

"Muichiro Tokito, head West! A demon was seen hurting the people!" his crow announced

"See..? I told you people are dying ~" I smiled
"Hahaha... I'll get going now... See you!" he said then left..

Now I'm in the middle of the road alone....

Then...the scent of blood was near...
I looked to where it was and saw that it was inside the house on my right...


That house wasn't there before..

It's small....


I heard music playing...
A soft lullaby being played by a piano
Judging by the sound, this demon must be weak...
I went inside the house and saw blood at the entrance..

I quickly ran while following the blood stains and it led me to a child...
A girl with one horn at the left of her face..

"E-Eh?!? A slayer! Please... Don't.. Don't hurt me... I'm only playing the piano.. That's all!! I don't know where this stains came from!! My parents! I didn't know how they died! But they said that I killed them! That I ate them!"
"I don't think your parent's blood can flood the entrance.."
"I think.. I ate some more people... I dont know how! All I did was play my lullaby and people would come in and before I knew it they die!"
"What's your name..?" I asked her
"S-Sumire...Sumire Sakurasou"

What a beautiful name...
Sumire.. A flower meaning Sincerity in
Sakurasou... A flower meaning long-lasting love in Hanakotoba
Your parents must've loved you and cherished you so much...

Then she pressed a key again...
Blood came out of the piano..

Her face was shocked at the blood coming out
"What a pity.... Your blood demon art.. Is powerful .. But not in a good way"
"Huh?!?" she said shaking
"Breath of Aqua: 3rd Form : The Wave's Sweet Lullaby"
I unsheated my sword and sliced her neck..
This attack is the fastest.. So she didn't feel any pain..
After I sliced her neck.. I looked at her..
The demon's face was smiling gently ..
Her eyes flooded with tears..

"T-the M-mu-music.. Y-Y-you just made..
It's beautiful........ I love it... It's gentle and soft.." she told me...


"I used a gentle Form on you... Your a child and don't know how to control it.. I took pity on you... " I said..

Then the house turned into ashes when the demon disappeared..

When the house disappeared...
A flower.... A violet flower appeared..

I looked at it then left...


I walked back to the Butterfly Estate and saw Tanjiro on the the roof..
I went there..

"Ah.. Y/N-San..."
"What are you doing?"
"Just mastering something.."
"I see..."i said then looked up at the stars

" Your fascinated by the stars? Tanjiro asked
"Yeah... They're small but beautiful..."
"Like you" Tanjiro whispered
"Hmm... Okay.."
"Y/N-San.. I just realized.. I still don't know much about you"
"I know that... It's because I don't really talk about myself"
"Okay... Wait, I heard a rumor that you're supposed to be a hashira, right?"
"Heh, Yeah.. But I declined the offer and gave them to my brother instead"
"Er.. When did that happen?"
"I think it was when I was 12..."
"12?!? That's soo cool..."
"You think so?"
"Okay then.."
"Y/N-San -"
"Heh, you can just call me Y/N"
"Y/N..? But your older"
"Just 1 year"
"Look a shooting star!" I said and pointed out

I looked at him...his face full of amazement..

"Y/N... I asked Mitsuri-san about Love and she told me to hug the ones that I love the most..." he said then hugged me..

I widen my eyes at his Sudden movement..

"I.... I.... I love yo-.... You're very precious to me, Y/N-San... You feel my world with fun colors!"

"Tsuki Ga Kirei Desu Ne" he whispered

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