Chapter 11- The Boulder

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"Urokodaki-San, may I have a word with you..?" I said while opening the door slightly
"Yes Y/N, what is it..?"
"Will you allow Tanjirou... To go to the Final Selection..?" I said while sitting down
"Yes... Why..?" he said and sat down in front of me
"Er. Uhm.... You know that boulder of there right..?"
He nodded
"Never...ever...Let Kamado-san go to that selection if he failed to cut the boulder in half" I said with a serious face
"What is your reason..?"
"It's private..."
"okay then"


"EH?!? I-i-I have to slice that in half?!?"
I said while pointing at the big boulder
"Er... Uhmm.... Okay then.."
"You must do it without breaking your sword by the way"
"Huh?!? That just got a million times worse"
"Deal with it... This is specially suggested by my former student, Tomioka Y/N"

That very pretty girl suggested this..
I'll do it...

"Okay... I'll accept"

Urokodaki-San left

Err.... How..?

I just stood there, looking at the big rock

"Excuse me~ Mind if we help you..?"
"I'm Makomo and that's Sabito"
She said and pointed to a peach-haired boy
"I'm Tanjirou, nice to meet you ~"
"Quit talkung let's get to training" Sabito said

He took a wooden sword and I held mine..

"Hey! Where did you get that..?" Sabito pointed at my sword
"This..? Urokodaki-San gave it to me saying it belonged to one of his students, Why..?"
"It belongs to my Friend, Y/N"

So they were friends...

"Tch, Let's just train"

Then our swords clashed with each other, The longer the time went by..
The faster and stronger he gets...
I've been hit there, here, Everywhere! Every time!

"Tanjiro-Kun, your breathing is uneven..
Control it" Makomo said
"Okay, Thanks!"


"Train until it kills you, because really, when you get down to it, there's nothing else you can do" Makomo said as if she was day dreaming
"Er... Okay!"
"Come on! One more round!"

One more..? @^@
Im tired already~~~
My whole body hurts too

"If you can't fight another round! Your Stamina is weak!"

We fought again...

Of course he'll win...
He really is fast and strong

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