Chapter 31- My First Heartbreak

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I widen my eyes at his question..

"Please, tell me, honestly" he said with a serious face

"Sabito.... He's my first love..."


"Y/N~!!" Sabito called me

I looked at him with a big smile on my face

"Here, I made you this~" he said and placed a flower crown on top of my head

I blushed

"Th-thank you" I whispered
"It looks beautiful on you"
"Really? You think so?"
"Yeah~! You look like a flower princess!"
"Thanks...." I mumbled


I woke up because of a bad dream...
I didn't notice I accidentally woke Sabito up too

"Are you OK?" Sabito asked me
I nodded
"Did you have a bad dream?"
"Want me to hug you?"
"Er... Sort of.... Maybe..."
"Come here.." he said with a smile and hugged me


"Y/N!! Let's train together!!" he said while running to me
"No way! You always win" I said childishly
"Hahaha, Just one round"
"OK ok.."


"I lost! Again!" I said
"I win again!" he said jokingly
"Er.. Wait here" he said

Then, he ran to me with 3 flowers on his hand

"Here! To make you feel better" he said with a smile
"E-eh?....thank you..." I whispered
"It means I <3 U!" he said
I widen my eyes..
He then hugged me


"Sabito was my first love, I loved him..
He was kind and caring.." I said and looked down

"Your still... In Iove with him right?" tanjiro asked me
"He's dead now... I must move on... But I can't.."

He tilted his head in confusion

"You remind me of him.."

"I'm sorry..." he apologized

"No... Don't apologize... Please.."
"Hmm..? Hey, we arrived at the restaurant"
"Mhm.. Let's go in?"

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