Chapter 14- Protecting You

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I still have 2 days... Wait no.. Tomorrow is the selection..
I have to get there now...
But what if someone sees me..?..
Hmm.... If I go tomorrow midnight... I'll be able to arrive there at dusk...


It starting...
I hid up on a tree and tried to look for Tanjirou...

Hmm... Tanjiro.. Tanjiro...
Where in the world is he..?

I looked over at the entrance and saw him coming in.....

"Good Evening Everyone" I heard the twins say...


Introduction done...

The party will start in

"3..... 2......1! Go! " Kanata said

Tanjirou.... Ah there you are

I kept running and jumping through the trees..

He only slayed the weaker demons..

He took a turn?!?

I followed him and saw...

The Morphed Demon....

Those memories came rushing in...
My eyes was flaming with anger..

Just as I expected... He was about to be ripped apart..

I ran to him and unsheahted my sword and sliced the arm of it and sheathed my sword and gave Tanjirou a death glare and the demon as well..

I quickly jumped back up a tree and watched him closely

Tanjiro POV
I was about to die when.. Someone saved me...

It was a girl... I didn't see her face clearly but... She saved me and disappeared like she was never here..

Then, I tried to kill it but then....

She saved me..
She carried me into the trees and I saw why...

It's hands was going to attack me from the ground

While she was carrying me..

I saw her face....


"Never let your guard down" she whispered and let go off me..

Then she disappeared again...

I fought that demon and then....

I killed it...

It's head separated from it's body

I looked around to see if Y/N was still here....

She's gone....


Mission complete..

I have to go home now....

I ran back to the entrance and went back to the headquarters...

Tsk... What a day...

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