!Bonus Chapter! - Will You Be My Bride?

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(Years Later)

It's Spring..
I woke up and went outside...

"Sabito, Makomo, Good Morning.. It's Spring already" I said
"Y/N.. I missed you" Sabito said
"Y/N-chan, how are you?"
"I'm ok, thank you Makomo for asking, how about you guys?"
"Were OK too"

Then suddenly I heard Giyuu's voice
"Hey Sabito.... Good Morning Makomo"
"Good Morning Giyuu-kun" Makomo replied
"Oh... Y/N... Your eye, is it OK?" Sabito asked

" *giggle* you always ask me that, it's been years Sabito, I'm fine, even though I can only see clearly on one eye"

"Oh uhm... H-Here... I got these for you" Sabito said and gave me 3 flowers

"Thank you!"

"Y/N! Giyuu! Nezuko and Tanjiro are here!" Urokodaki-San said

"We got to go now, see you later guys!" I said and left

"Nice to see you again Sabito, Makomo" Giyuu said and went back in the house

"Y/N-Nee-san!!!" Nezuko shouted and hugged me
" *Giggle* how are you Nezuko-chan?"
"I'm fine!! Oh by the way, Nii-chan really wanted to tell you something!"
"Really?" I said and looked to tanjiro
"Th-That's nothing! Nezuko ~!!" his face was completely red

"Maybe, Tanjiro won't tell me that" I teased
"I'm leaving now" Giyuu said
"where are you going, Giyuu-San?" Nezuko asked
"He's going to his girlfriend, Shinobu-Nee-san"
"Shh!!! I told you it was our secret,
"Really? Haha, sorry about that Nii-chan"

Then, Giyuu waved goodbye and left

"Let's eat lunch together? I'll cook" I said
"Sure! I would love that,


I was with Tanjiro outside the house

"Hey, let's play a game of luck, I'll spin this coin if I win, you listen to me and if I lose you'll still listen to me" Tanjiro said
"That makes no sense" I said
"Come on pleasee~?"
"Fine... I pick heads"
"OK then.."

He flicked the coin and knelt down right infront of me..


"Y/N... Uhm... W-Will... Will you be my bride? Please?" he said and revealed a beautiful yet simple ring

Tears were falling on my cheeks..

"H-Hey, Im sorry, Im really sorry I didn't know that it would make you cry -"
"I'm not sad... I'm soo happy.."

"Soo uhmm.... What's your answer?"

"It's yes, I will be your bride... How could I say no?"

He put the ring on my finger and kissed me

"Yeey!! Y/N-Nee-san said yes!!" Nezuko shouted

I laughed..

She was too cute...

"How do you feel about this, Sabito-san? Will you attend their wedding?"

"Of Course I will...."

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