Chapter 10- Warmth

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I woke up early and wrote a note and left it on my bed...
Then, I took a quick shower and put my uniform on...


I'll just have to wear my hair down today..

Afterwards, I took my sword and put in my haori and left..

I was about leave the gate until
"Sayounara "
I looked to my right side and saw
Giyuu with an expressionles face

"Y-yeah, Sayounara... I'll just come back tomorrow" I said and left

I ran to Urokodaki-San's place..

I arrived at the place...

I knocked on his door...
No one answered..

Maybe they're training..
I went to the back part and saw The boy swinging a sword...

My old sword to be honest...

"Konnichiwa" I said coldly
"Hm..? Ah! Hi!" he said and walked to me
"Wait, your that girl who was with the other slayer right..?" he asked
I nodded
"Kamado Tanjiro, nice to meet you!" he smiled
"Tomioka Y/N..."
"Oh.. Uhm..uh.. Hmm... What do you wanna do..?"
He said and tilted his head..

Hmph! He's cute!! So Kawaii!!!
Wait what? He's probably younger than me...
Okay okay, stop with this and just ask him something

"Do you know the basics of the sword..? If you know then.. I wanna test you" I said coldly
"I know the basics.. Soo you wanna have a short match..?"
"Sure.." I said and took a wooden sword
"Cool! 3...2.... 1.....go!"

He took the first move but I dodged it..
Then our swords met each other and clashed.. He's strong and fast..
He's sense of smell is enhanced..


We sat down on a rock panting and looked at the sunset, we were silent.. But Tanjirou broke it
"Uh... Y/N-San, how old are you..?"
"You're older than me~~! I'm just 13..
Uhmm when did you start training? What's your rank?"

So many questions...
@-@.... How many more questions will come? My jaw hurts from talking. Ehh~~

" *sigh* I started at the age of 8 and I'm Kinoe Rank"
"Woah! You were so young! And now your already Kinoe rank?! How many demons did you kill?"

Another question?? @_@

"If I recall correctly, when I was 8..
I killed about.... 20..?no 21 demons"

I looked at him and saw his shocked face

"What's wrong?" I said coldly
"mhm .... Wait .. Where's your sister..?"
"She's inside.. Wanna see her..?" he said while pointing at the house
I just nodded

We went inside and saw Urokodaki-San
"Ah, Y/N... Nice to see you again" he waved
I just waved back and bowed
And entered a room...
No lights but a small light from a candle

"Ohayou Nezuko!" he said while patting a girl..

Nezuko... So that's her name huh..
Nezuko Kamado...
She's cute!!

She looked at me and hugged me tight...

The Warmth of a hug and smile is what I saw and experienced today...
It's a wonderful feeling..

"A-Huh?.. Uhmm.. ?" I said confused
"She might have thought you were a part of our family *giggle*" he said still smiling
"Family...." I whispered and hugged her back


I ws about to leave early, when I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around and then he hugged me
"Sayounara, Y/N-San!"  Tanjirou said while hugging me
"Y-Yeah... Sayounara.." I said

He broke the hug and smiled at me

A warm smile......

"Tanjirou... Train hard, A final selection will be held soon... I've already told Urokodaki-San what he must do in order to let you go there"
"What..?" he tilted his head in confusion
"The Final Selection, it has a demon there... Er... Uhm.  Do you know Sabito and Makomo..?"
"Yeah! Makomo's very nice and gentle, Sabito too! Except Sabito-San sometimes is a little too hard on me"
"Sabito was killed by a certain demon...
The demon in the Final Selection..
A morphed demon" I said

He nodded
"Anyways, I'll be leaving now Sayounara" I said coldly and glanced at him..

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