Chapter 20- Friendship

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I woke up because of my crow shouting like an alarm clock saying
"Kamado Tanjiro invited you to go to the Butterfly Estate! To meet Inosuke and Zenitsu!"

Seriously?... I have to get my jaw ready...
I'll be tired of talking the whole day..

I got out of bed and got ready..

The skirt is SHORTER NOW!
I guess I have to keep my hair down today...
Oh yeah I forgot...


I wrote a note and left it on my bed..

I took my haori and sword...
And left..

I went to the Butterfly Estate and knocked on the door

Kanao answered and let me in...

I went to there room and opened the door and heated screaming, shouting and crying...

"I'm here..." I said coldly
"Your that girl who saved me from before!!"

I walked in the room and sat down on a vacant bed..

"Now, why do you want me here?" I asked tanjiro
"I just wanted you to spend the day with us~!"
"Right.... Who even is this and that one?"
"This is Zenitsu and that's.... Thats Inosuke"
"Zenitsu.... Oh your that crybaby... You haven't changed at all though... But I'm hoping to see some improvement.."
"Y/N-San... Ease up a little~~ Your gonna be friends" Tanjirou smiled..
"Right... What're we gonna -"
"Fight me!"
"Let's duel now!"
"Oh your Inosuke.. I'm not interested.."
"Fight me- wait what even is your name?"
"Y/N Tomioka, Kinoe Rank, not so happy to meet you"
"Hey, is she the sister of the other moron?" Inosuke whispered to tanjiro
"I can still hear you... And yes, I'm the sister of Tomioka Giyuu"
"I want her to fight me!!"
"Why don't we train with her instead of fighting?"
"Seems interesting... I'll be at the training room, come when you're ready" I said and left...

Gosh, my jaw is tired from talking..

"Wh- oh its just you, Kamado"
"Hey, call me by my name"
"Fine, Tanjiro"
"Come on ~ smile!"
"Not interested.."
"Hmph! Smile!"
"Smile!! Like this" he said and showed me
"Er... N-no..." I said and hid my face under the sleeves of my haori, trying hard not to smile

Then, Tanjiro stood in front of me and took my hands off and smiled...

I looked away and gave a small smile
"Ahhh!! You smiled~"
"Yeah yeah, let's just train..."
"Where's the others?"
"Uh.. Uhm... I'll... I'll go get them.. I didn't forget to like bring them along since I want some alone time with--okay I'll just go get them" Tanjiro spoke really fast


I went to the training room and prepared it...

I placed four wooden swords on the ground...
And then waited...

"I don't want to train~!"
"Come on, we're training with Tamioka"
"It's Tomioka!! Her name is Y/N!!"
"Yeah yeah, her name is (mispronounced name)"
"Who are you even-"
"Okay okay stop, we're here"

Then Zenitsu slid the doors open..

"Hello Y/N-San ~~" Zenitsu smiled and waved

I gave a small smile and waved a little

"What're we gonna do?" Tanjiro asked
"On second thought... Let's not train.. There's a nearby field, me and my brother go there all the time.. Why don't we spend the day there and enjoy?" I asked
"Sounds good!"
"We can get to know each other right?" Zenitsu asked


We arrived at the plain and the 3 of them quickly ran around like little children...

I just sat down and watched...

"Y/N, come and join us" Inosuke said and grabbed my arm and pulled me to them
"Here! A flower crown!" Tanjiro placed a simple yet beautiful flower crown on top of my head
"Th-Thank you"

They all smiled brightly..
I smiled too


We all sat down near a cherry blossom tree...

The 3 of them told stories of their childhood...
All of their stories were fun, interesting and bright...

"Hey, Y/N-San.. Why don't you tell us a story of your childhood?" Inosuke asked
"M-me..?... No thanks, my story isn't as a good and fun as the three of you.."
"My parents died when I was 3...
My sister had to take care of the 2 of us..
Then she died when I was 8...
I met a boy named Sabito but he died as well when I was 8..."

They all looked shocked..

"Wait.. But I have some fun memories too..
My sister and I would always look at the stars every night.. And she sang me a lullaby too!"

"Can you sing that to us?" Zenitsu asked
"Okay then... I'll sing you the one that I can remember... My mom and sister always sang me *Au Clair De La Lune* "

They fell asleep when I sang the lullaby...
I smiled looking at them....
I never had this much fun before...
Atleast not with someone that isn't my brother or sister...

I looked up and smiled

" Hey, you should always put a smile on your face... You look very pret-... You look very cut- I mean.... Er... Just fo-forget it" Tanjiro told me
" *giggle* I'll try to smile"
"You can laugh?"
"Of course I can, I'm human too you know, oh and how's Nezuko..?"
"Shes okay and she's always looking for you.."
"Yeah... She likes you and I love y-"
He cut his words
"Hm..? What?"
"N-Nothing... We should probably get going it's getting dark..."
"Okay then... I'll come with you"
"Inosuke, Zenitsu" Tanjiro tried to wake them up

And they did...

We walked back to the Butterfly Estate and I stayed for a bit...
Afterwards, I left and went back home

"Nii-chan, I'm home!"
"Y/N, how was it..?"
"It was fun!"
"Heh, that's the first time you said that word in years"
"Yeah yeah, I know ~~"
"Ahh, your smiling ~~~" Giyuu said and smiled
"I smile too you know! But you don't see it cause your asleep when I'm smiling"
"Really..? Hahaha, now come here, let's eat"
"Okay then!"

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