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**** DRACO ****

On platform 9 and 3/4, Draco looks around wildly trying to soak up everything at once. The only time he had seen so many people were when there were galas at his house. Unlike the galas, all the children here seemed happy and carefree. He had met a boy with raven hair and bright emerald eyes in Madam Malkins earlier. Ever since he saw him he decided that he was going to be his first friend at Hogwarts. Shame that he didn't get a chance to ask for his name. He was interrupted from his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, " Yes father?" he asked.

" Draco, I only have three things to tell you. Always be the best at everything. Uphold the Malfoy family name, and never befriend Harry Potter. Understood?"

" Yes, father."

And with that Lucius left. His mother only stayed long enough to hug him and kiss him goodbye. After his parents left Draco scanned the crowd and spotted Blaise. One of the kids he had met at the galas. Since he was the only person he knew he ran up to him.

"Hey, Blaise!" Then remembering his father's words he managed to make himself composed.

"Hey, Draco. Are you excited?" Blaise was not like the other kids Draco met at the galas. He was open and accepting.

"Very, and a bit nervous too. what if I don't make it to Slytherin?"

"Relax Draco, your whole family was in Slytherin. The Malfoys will always be in Slytherin." That made Draco feel better.

"Let's get on the train then shall we?"



Meanwhile, Harry was thanking Mrs. Weasley for helping him get onto platform 9 and 3/4. He was just in time for the train. He got his trunk on the train with the help of the Weasley twins. After searching for a bit he found an empty compartment. Soon he was joined by one of the Weasleys who introduced himself as Ron.

They talked for a bit. Ron seemed like a really good person. A while later a girl called Hermione showed up at their compartment with another boy who seemed to have lost his toad. She asked if they had seen the toad and when they said no she left with the boy.

All this while something had been there on Harry's mind. He wanted to meet the boy who he had seen at Madam Malkins. He didn't have time to ask him his name as Hagrid had shown up.


As soon as Draco got onto the train two guys called Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle came shuffling towards him and told him that their dad's had told them to stick around Draco. Not minding it all that much Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle started looking for an empty compartment. soon they found one. A while later Draco thought of that boy he had met. He decided to go search for him, he told Blaise to come along and told Crabbe and Goyle to stay in the compartment. He found him soon enough. He was sitting with a redhead with freckles. "Must be a Weasley." Draco thought to himself. He opened the door and said hi to the raven-haired boy, totally ignoring the redhead.

"Nice to meet you again. Sorry, I couldn't introduce myself that day. I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. And you?" Draco said as he held out his hand.

At this, the Weasley's face got all scrunched up looked at him as if Draco was something disgusting stuck at the sole of his shoe.

The raven-haired boy didn't notice this and took Draco's hand and told," I'm Harry Potter nice to meet you too."

At this Draco remembered what his father had told and immediately pulled his hand away. Harry looked confused. Draco scowled at him and then left without another word.

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