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A/N: Hellooo... I just wanted to tell you guys that I will be skipping to 3rd year as there is nothing much to write about in 2nd year. Please criticize my writing so that I can improve, as I told, this is my first time writing a Fanfiction so pls forgive me if it's shitty. Oh and credit to the artist for the fanart.




Draco, Blaise, and Pansy were discussing about the new defense against dark arts teacher when the train suddenly stopped. Draco decides to look around but Pansy stopped him.

"It's too dark to go, just stay here. Something must have gone wrong with the engine." Draco nodded and sat down.

A few minutes later, the train started moving again. Suddenly he heard voices from the compartment next to theirs.

It was the Patil twins and Lavender. " Hey did you hear? Harry Potter fainted because of a dementor! I can't believe it, 'the boy who lived' fainted because of a dementor." Parvati exclaimed.

Draco didn't know why, but he had the sudden urge to go check how Potter was doing, but he obviously didn't as that would lead to the question of why Draco Malfoy out of all people would want to check on Harry Potter and besides that would make people think that Draco cared for Potter, which he didn't.

Or do I? No, no of course I don't!

"What is up with me" He thought to himself.

" Draco? You coming?" Asked Pansy. " Are you okay mate? You seem kinda off." asked Blaise.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You guys go on, I'll catch up."

Why am I doing this? Why do I even care?

Draco sneaked off trying to search for Harry, but he couldn't find him, so he left disappointed.

In the great hall, Draco's eyes scanned for any sign of that mop of unruly black hair. When he found it right behind him, he let go of the breath that he didn't know he was holding in

"Potter! Potter! Is it true that you fainted? You mean you actually fainted?!"

"Shove off Malfoy." Said the Weasel. Draco seemed a little disappointed when Potter didn't reply, but he didn't show it on his face and just sneered.


As they were leaving to go to their common room, Professor McGonagall called Harry and Hermione to her office. She had called Harry to check on how he was doing after the dementor attack. After she called Madam Pomfrey and took all the necessary measures.

"Mr. Potter, you may leave. Ms. Granger, please stay, I need to have a word with you."

And with that Harry left her office.

Great! He thought to himself when he saw none other than Draco Malfoy standing in front of him.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asked. He was barely audible and was in no mood to pick a fight with Malfoy.

" Gee Potter, does it necessarily mean that I need something from you if I decide to talk to you?"

"Umm... Yes?"

Draco snorts "Are you okay?"

Harry suddenly gets suspicious. Who wouldn't when their worst enemy comes and asks if you're fine?

"Why do you care?"

"It's not fun picking on you when you are all moody." Draco lies coolly.


Harry walks past him without answering.

"I didn't get an answer."

"Well, it turns out you won't be getting an answer. Goodnight Malfoy."

And with that Harry goes leaving Draco hanging there without an answer.


"How dare he! Can you believe it? He just left me there without an answer!" complained Draco.

"Why did you go to him in the first place?" asked Pansy.

"Umm... uh... you know.. just to tease him about fainting on the train."

"Uhuh right..." said Blaise his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Draco just huffed and smacked him with a pillow.

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