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It was the morning of the first task, and Draco had been more worried than everyone. Probably even more nervous than Harry. He was sitting in the great hall for breakfast, but he rarely ate anything. All he did was look at everything Harry did.

He noticed that Harry didn't eat anything either. Granger was trying to calm his nerves down. Suddenly he turned around and smiled at someone at the Ravenclaw table. Draco leaned forward to see who Harry was smiling at.

His heart hurt when he saw Chang smiling at him and giving him a thumbs up. Harry seemed to blush and looked ecstatic. Draco had known for a while that Harry fancied Cho Chang, but the little exchange that they just had, stung more than he had expected. Draco looked down at his food, determined not to look at Harry for the rest of breakfast.

Draco decided at that moment that he had to make a move before it is too late.

It's now or never.


Hermione, being who she is, had noticed everything that just happened. While looking, well more like staring, at Draco; she noticed that he was looking at someone else in the same way she was looking at him. His eyes filled with longingness and love. This made her feel something she hadn't felt for a very long time... Jealous. She was jealous of who Draco wanted that bad, well that was before she realized who he was staring at. She followed the direction of his gaze and was shocked to find out that it was directed towards her best friend. She didn't know what surprised her, the fact that The great Draco Malfoy was gay, or the fact that he was gay for her best friend. All of this hit her like a bus, but she managed to stay composed.

Suddenly Draco's expression changed from relaxed and calm to hurt and betrayed. She turned around to see that Harry was smiling at Cho. She felt a bit mad. She knew that Cho could never make Harry happy, in fact she would make him quite the opposite, but Hermione had seen Harry look at her with such passion that she didn't want to warn him and destroy his only hope of happiness. But now she had to do it.

Somehow Hermione knew that Draco could take care of Harry and make him happy too, maybe it was all that stalking of hers that made her see that. After all that he had gone through Harry deserved to be happy. She knew that it was going to be hard for her but this was the least she could do for him.

She leaned over to Harry and whispered in his ears,

"Sometimes, Harry, the one who you actually love and who loves you back dearly is right in front of you. So actually look around, because when you finally realize who it is, it might be too late."

After that she got up and left, leaving a very bewildered Harry.


Harry considered what Hermione had told him for a whole day. What did she mean by that? Right in front of him? It didn't make any sense, but if Hermione told that, it had to make sense right? He almost forgot about the first task until Professor McGonagall came and called him. Though he was prepared he felt extremely nervous.

He was following the other champions and Professor McGonagall when he felt someone tug him into an unused corridor. He turned around to see that it was Malfoy.

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME MALFOY!" Harry almost screamed.

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm not here to pick a fight with you."

"Then what?"

Draco took in a deep breath.

"I am here to ask you if you will be my friend." He said stretching out his hand.

"What?!?!?" This really surprised Harry.

"Do you know how much guilt I will have to live with if you die out there?"

"Guilt? Guilt for what. It's not like I have to fight you for the tournament."

"Guilt of knowing that the last thing I ever told you was a snide comment."

Harry actually laughed a bit at that. He eyed Draco's outstretched hand contemplating his decision. It almost felt like a Deja vu moment, the only difference being that Draco was being nice.

"Ok Malfoy, I will be your friend, but only if you stop insulting me and my friends."

Draco nodded. "Agreed."

"All right, I have to go now. See you later Malfoy."

"Umm... Po- Harry, all the best."

And with that Draco walked away.

Harry was shocked. He didn't know what surprised him more, the fact that Draco Malfoy called him by his first name or the fact that Draco Malfoy just wished him luck.

When he reached the tent, he felt edgier than ever. His legs started shaking and he couldn't control it. After all the champions picked out their dragons Harry realized that he was the last to go. He was patiently waiting when Hermione came to wish him luck. He asked her what she had meant by 'right in front of you'. Hermione's expression immediately changed to one of regret.

"Oh, Harry I didn't mean to distract you from your tournament. How stupid of me. I should have known. Harry just focus on your tournament all right? We can discuss this later. Harry nodded and gave Hermione a big hug. At that moment they both heard a flash go off.

"Young love!!" Exclaimed Rita Skeeter.

"How stirring?!" She cooed.

Harry felt his blood boiling, but soon enough Krum came and shooed her off. After that Hermione left. Harry tried his best to stay calm and focused.


After the first task Harry much relaxed than he had felt in weeks. The Gryffindors had all thrown a party for him. But he had another headache, the clue for the next task. He had opened it during the party and it had only made weird screeching noises.

"You can work that clue out later." Ron, who had become Harry's best friend again, told.

Harry nodded and let himself enjoy the moment.

Later that night Harry laid in bed thinking about the whole day. It was the best day ever, he had completed the first task successfully, he had got his best friend back and he had become friends with Draco Malfoy. With that, Harry fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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