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"What was that all about?" asked Blaise. He thought that what Draco did was rude. Draco himself knew that it was rude.

"My father told me three things before I got on the train. Always be the best at everything. Uphold the Malfoy family name, and never befriend Harry Potter. So I had to do that. I cannot oppose my father's orders." Blaise, who knew how strict Draco's father was, didn't argue. they headed towards their compartment where Crabbe and Goyle were waiting for them.

"I was looking forward to be being his friend. He seemed nice when I saw him in the robe shop." Draco told Blaise. Blaise just nodded.

Once they reached their compartment and slid open the door, they were surprised to see a girl with short black hair sitting opposite to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hello, I'm Pansy Parkinson. Nice to meet you." She said.


Harry was dumbfounded by what Draco had done. He didn't expect him to be so rude. When turned around he noticed that Ron seemed unaffected by what had just happened. In fact, he was eating like nothing had happened.

" Is that normal in the wizarding world too?" asked Harry, who didn't know much about the wizarding world.

"No, it isn't. But it is normal for a Malfoy to be rude. Malfoys were amongst the first ones to come over to our side after you-know-who's fall. The Weasley family and the Malfoy family haven't always been on the best terms. You did see how he totally ignored me right?"

Harry pondered about this for a while. " But he didn't seem rude to me until I told my name."

Ron just shrugged and told, "Come on let's change, we are almost there." Harry nodded and followed Ron.



Draco forgets what happens on the train and nervously stands to be sorted. When his name is called, he goes and sits on the chair. As soon as the sorting hat touched his head it screams, "SLYTHERIN!!"

He is extremely relieved. He then goes to join the Slytherin table. There were many familiar faces at the table, he had met most of them at the meetings that his father keeps at his house. Many of them pat him on the back and congratulate him.

A few minutes later Professor McGonagall called out "Harry Potter". That is when whispers broke out like hissing fire in the entire hall. The hat took around ten minutes before screaming out, "GRYFFINDOR!" Draco is a little bit crestfallen, but it didn't matter much.


Harry felt so relieved when the hat sorted him into Gryffindor. He couldn't believe it, he was almost sorted into Slytherin! Feeling much lighthearted than before, he joins Ron at the Gryffindor table.

After the feast, everyone goes to their dorms and prepare to go to bed. As Harry lies in bed, he thinks about what all he did that day and a smile comes on his face.

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