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Oh boy.

"What do you mean, you don't how to dance?!" Draco asked, bewildered.

"I meant what I said. I don't know how to dance. I never went to dancing classes or anything when I was small." Harry said looking embarrassed.

That was when Draco remembered. Harry was brought up by muggles, so he didn't need to go for classes.

Draco sighed, "Meet me at the entrance of the forbidden forest. At 8. Sharp. Ok?"

Harry nodded, and with that Draco was gone. He was confused, what was Draco gonna do? Teach him how to dance? The thought made Harry blush dark red. He had forgotten all about dinner and made a beeline to the Gryffindor common room. Once he entered he saw Ron on the couch, and what was weird was that he was smiling.

When he saw Harry he asked, "What took you so long? You usually don't take so much time to have dinner. And why is your face so red?"

Harry was going to tell Ron that he was with Draco, but then he decided against it as Ron was in a good mood. He didn't want to ruin it. Besides, Harry still hadn't told his friends about him and Draco becoming friends. So instead he told, "Oh nothing, I just found myself a date for the ball. So, why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

"Bloody hell, you got a date!?! That's great mate. I also got a date just now."

"Oh, so that explains the smiley face." Harry snickered.

"Yea, Parvati saw me all gloomy and told me that her sister didn't have a date yet and that I could go with her. I know it was out of pity but I don't mind, as long as I have a date. So, who is your date?" Ron asked while suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, that's a surprise. You'll see them on Christmas Eve." Harry said.

Ron being ..well Ron, didn't notice the use of "them" instead of "her".

"This is not fair. 'Moine won't tell me who her date is either." He started pouting and mumbling to himself.

Harry watched, amused at his best friend's behavior.

"C'mon Ron, let's go sleep. It's late."

Ron followed Harry but still was pensive.


The next day, Harry woke up first. He had a nightmare again. He tried to forget it by looking out the window at the rising sun. The golden rays of the sun gave a bright color to the clouds and the quidditch pitch. It really helped him calm down. Usually, the quidditch pitch would have different house teams practicing for the upcoming match, but due to the Triwizard tournament, it was empty.

Harry got up and decided to have an early breakfast.

When he entered the hall he saw that the only people who were there were a few Slytherins and Ravenclaws. The Slytherin's included Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.


Draco watched Harry come in with his usual messy hair and messy tie. He caught Harry's eye and smiled. Harry smiled back and went over to the Gryffindor table. Draco and his friends had already finished breakfast by that time. So he told Blaise and Pansy to go on without him. He went over to the Gryffindor table, and he did so because the only people there were a few Ravenclaws and Slytherins, and they had their heads in their books.

When he reached Harry, he sat down next to him.

"You should do that more often," Harry said while stuffing some bacon in his mouth.



Draco looked at him and smiled even more than before.

"Ok that's enough, too much smiling makes you look creepy," Harry said with a laugh.

Draco pouted at that.

"So, why are you so early today?"

"How do you know I'm early today? Been stalking the great boy who lived, have you?" Harry joked.

"Ha, no. W-Why would I do that? I have better things to do, Potter. It's just that usually there are no Gryffindors at all when I'm here."

Harry hummed.

"I just couldn't sleep. So I figured, why not have an early day for once."

"Why did you ask me to meet you at the entrance of the forbidden forest today?" Harry asked.

"To teach you how to dance of course."

Harry's ears turned a bit pink when Draco said that, but he decided to ignore it to spare the poor boy.

"But why the forbidden forest?"

"Oh, I have a secret spot. Would you like to see it now?"

"Yeah sure. There is enough time for classes to start. I thought you were scared of the forbidden forest Draco, there are "werewolves", aren't there?" Harry said with a smirk.

"Oh just shut up and come with me."

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